Wang, Wilfried. “Forum The Built Environment through the Cultural–architectural Lens.” Building Research & Information 36.6 (2008): 674-76. Print.
In this article “Forum The Built Environment through the Cultural–architectural Lens” (2008), Wilfried Wang argues that “The built environment is the physical constitution of human history and indicates, in its parts as well as a whole, (Wang). Wang describes Architectural concepts for design to be antiquated and lost in the collective needs of the metropolis.
To make his argument, Wang talks about deconstruction and reconstruction of cultural habit that limits our peripheral view. Wang makes the argument that reconstruction of inherited concepts and beliefs would help to extinguish racism. The following quote by Wang describes the cultural flaws issue.
“why the goal of reducing detrimental emissions within
the decade of the window of opportunity is unlikely
to be reached: not because our current realization
or technology is lacking, but because the roots of
our cultural habits are deeply anchored in history,
and because these roots have a projective cast of
which one first needs to be conscious before one
can act on them” (Wang).
Wang describes culture as a pattern of behavior and treats behavioral flaws as quantifiable actions. His idea that thoughts words and deeds are learned behavior. He argues the complexity of the built environment, are built on ecological footprints.
The argument is plausible, but he presents his conclusion or solutions on modified behavior. The learned behavior is not likely to change in this decade.
Wang talks mainly about the cultural flaws American Caucasians need to address. Wang made the following quotation regarding the cultural change.
Listed below are two authors who support Wang and contributed to his research and citations;
Kohler, N., and Hassler, U. (2002) The building stock as a research object, Building Research & Information, 30 (4), 226 – 236.
Moffat, S., and Kohler, N. (2008) Conceptualizing the built environment as a social – ecological system, Building Research & Information, 36 (3), 248 – 26
Wang is talking to Architects, builders, and environmentalist who understand the rut, “For all those involved in these issues, the persistence of the dominant cultural footprint remains the strongest force against change.” (Wang).
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