Digital:Atlanta ZOO Website

The official websites of the Atlanta ZOO, The main colors used on the website is yellow, green, and red. The main category offers: Visitor info, Animals & Plants, Discover & Learn, and others. With more categorizes vertical to the first with options like buy you ticket . There’s also pictures to accompany the title of each topic. Like the Great ape Heat Project, which has a picture of a read 4 leaf clover with an image of an ape in each leaf. Videos like the “Gorilla cardiac Ultrasound”, for those who like gathering information through sight and sound. The website also offers fun facts, for example, I have the largest heart of any land mammal, what am I? Answer Giraffe. The website uses appealing colors, and an image of a panda, snake, and owl, to appeal to the consumers it’s trying to reach.  I also used the color walking technique that I read about in a article written by Phia bennan and Brendan McMullan on the Atlanta Zoo site. I stated with the grass green color of the outline of the atlanta zoo sign to Fun Facts to new arrivals to the Experiences tab to plant and animals tab to the plants and horticulture link.


Zoo Atlanta Home Page

News and Events
  Fun Facts

I turn 1 in April! I wouldn’t be where I am today without my supermom. Who am I?

New Arrivals

Wondering what’s new at Zoo Atlanta? Sometimes that’s a question of who’s new! Meet some of our recent Zoo babies and new arrivals.
Eastern Bongo 


Plants and Horticulture