The Archetecturial Exclusion article basically centers around the concept that distrimination inadvently has lead to our environmental structures. That made man made (physical) features have made it hard for individuals to get to certain places , usually the poor people and people of color. For example, bridges were design to prevent buses from passing through. Denying access to people of color. The law addresses the exclusionary impacts, while most courts and legislatures have given very little attention to exclusionary design tactics.
Like a street Grid layout can shape the demographics for a city and isolate a neighborhood from those surrounding it. The exclusionary environment restricts the behavior of those who interact with it, often without their knowledge. The introduction of the Achetecturial Exclusion story talks about Roberts Moses , also known as the master builder of New York. Has shaped most of New York infrastructure including a number of low hanging overpasses. Intentionally so buses could not pass under them, preventing acces to poor people and people of color since they usually relied on public transportation.
Atlanta, Georgia has a public transportation subway known as the metropolitan Atlanta Regional Transit Authority (Marta). Wealthy residents have been very vocal against the expansion of Marta. Simply because it would give poor people and people of color easy access to suburban communities. Poor people and people of color rely on the transit though for the job opportunities offered in the suburb. Another exclusionary act is the closing of a street in Mephos in 1974.
A group of white residents requested that a sreet that connected to a primary black one be closed off. Supporters argued that it would reduce traffic and noise. The U.S Supreme court dismissed this action stating that the road closer was just a routine burden of citizenship and slight inconvenience. Those who are responsible for enforcing anti-discrimination law found it hard to find fault with acts like this because it was hard to show the intent to destriminate. Theses in fractures also influence the way resident and visitors view the city.
This article builds on Lawrence Lessig’s regulatory theory which asserts that behavior may be regulated or constrained in part by Architecture. “The term architecture is used broadly to encompass civil engineering ,urban design, transit routing, and city planning. The decision of those who work in these various fields results in a infracture” (Sarah, The infraction is also included in the in the broad definition of archeticture and function as a form of regulation.
Part one provides a theoretical framework analysis by focusing on the way that the built environment controls or regulates our behavior. Examines the literature discuss infracture placement and design as physical and symbolic contributors to economic and social inequality, exclusion, and isolation. These concepts are foundamental to planners and architics only a small number of legal scholars begun to question a built environmental regulatory role. Regulation through archeticture is just as powerful as laws but it is less explicit.
Part two considers the practice of architectural exclusion. Detailing the number of ways that through action by their residents or police have created I fractures.
Sarah Schindler. “ Arechetictural Exclusion: Descrimination and Segregation Throught physical design of the built environment. 124:6. Web. 1/17/2016