What are the major projects? In a bulleted list, provide links to the project descriptions for each of them.
How will your final grade be calculated?
Final Grades will be calculated by the total amount of points each student has earned by completing assignments, making submissions of summaries, projects and participation in class.
What is the “submission form” and how do you use it?
The submission form is where each student should go to submit any work or proof of work that was completed. You use it by stating your name, email address, the link for said assignment and a brief description of what you are submitting.
Embed the form below your answer (hint: Google “embed Google form” to find out how).
Embed the course calendar and weekly overview below this question.
Course Calendar/Weekly Overview
Where on the course website can you find an overview of what’s due and the readings for each unit?
You can find an overview of what’s due and the readings for each unit on the Course Overview page on the blog after scrolling to “What is the general plan for this course, and when are things due?” section. Right below there is a week by week breakdown of due dates.
What is the best way to see an overview of what’s due each week?
The best way to see what’s due each week is to check the Weekly Overview page on google docs. The link can be found on Dr. Wharton’s blog.
What is the attendance policy?
The attendance policy varies by what section the student is in. Students in the Monday Hybrid section get a 40 point deduction for every missed class.
What are my office hours, and how do you make an appointment to see me outside of class?
Office hours are from 9-11 on Mondays and Wednesdays in Park Place 2434. To set up an appointment the student should email the professor.
How do you earn participation credit? Provide a link to the instructions/guidelines for particiption.
To earn participation credit the student must interact with his/her peers in and out of class. The instructions and guidelines reside here: Participation Points
How many points can you earn by participating in or organizing a study group session?
You can earn up to 25 points per study group session.
How can you be assured of earning an “A” in this course?
You can be assured of earning an “A” in the course by earning over 2,500 points by the end of the semester.
What are the minimum requirements for earning a passing grade of “C”?
Students with at least 1,475 points by the end of the semester would have earned a “C”.
What do you do if you’re not sure how to document your participation in order to earn points?
If you are unsure how to document participation, you should stop by during office hours or ask before/after class.