External Environment Description 1


Upon my first visit to the Edgewood Community Learning Garden (ECLG), I was interested in the “fresh eggs” sign. The eggs are not sold but are given away to community members that want them. Families living in poverty around this area are given a fresh, free source of protein, and this makes a huge statement to what the ECLG stands for. On my second trip there I met with the ECLG manager, and I was allowed inside the coup to feed the chickens and to anylize the quality of the eggs.

Taken by me on Febuary 4th and 9th.

Taken by me on Febuary 4th and 9th.


Edgewood Community Learning Garden


This is a picture of the greenery of the Edgewood Community Learning Garden. The photographer captures the beauty and life of the area to convince people to visit the garden themselves.

Nichols, Annie. "Edgewood Community Learning Garden". Atlanta In Town Paper. May 4, 2005. Web. http://www.atlantaintownpaper.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/8Sb5xzpIh5JqjcOKoDSYzcwhNB_S4hfZv2zPrsTVHUk.jpeg. Last accessed February 1, 2016.

Nichols, Annie. “Edgewood Community Learning Garden”. Atlanta In Town Paper. May 4, 2005. Web. http://www.atlantaintownpaper.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/8Sb5xzpIh5JqjcOKoDSYzcwhNB_S4hfZv2zPrsTVHUk.jpeg. Last accessed February 1, 2016.