Newman, Harvey K. “Race and the Tourist Bubble in Downtown Atlanta.” Urban Affairs Review 37, no. 3 (January 1, 2002): 301–21. doi:10.1177/10780870222185351. <>.
This scholarly work by a former Georgia State University student is about the history of different communities in the United States, and it puts an emphasis on race inequality. Newman goes into the history of how Atlanta was built and reshaped with time. He argues that the city was built to increase the number of tourists every year despite the hardships they may come to its own citizens. On page seven, he particularly mentions Auburn Avenue and Sweet Auburn, and I can use the background knowledge about the race inequalities in the 1960s to better understand the journey the Sweet Auburn Market has travelled. The past is a direct link to the present, so I can use this article in conjunction with the other two sources I have chosen in order to create a well put together vision of the community of the market. I may not be able to find any sources about the effects of race on the Sweet Auburn Market in particular; however, I may be able to find a document listing the history of vendors to see if there were any major differences after racism settled down.
Monthly Archives: February 2016
Annotated Bib 5 Sweet Auburn Market
“Sweet Auburn Curb Market Photos.” Yelp. Accessed February 18, 2016.
This Yelp page has over one hundred images of the Sweet Auburn Market that I would be able to choose from for my internal description. I will use pictures that show the vendors and/or the customers in order to create a personal connection between the people of the market and my writing.

“Sweet Auburn Curb Market Photos.” Yelp. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2016. <>.
The wide range of diverse items sold in the market are depicted in these pictures which shows how all different types of people can find something they would like. The images can be used to analyze the presence of community by noticing who the customers are on a day to day basis.
My concern for this web page is that I may not be able to properly cite my source for the image I use because the photographers names or dates that the pictures were taken are not given. In addition to this source, I will include pictures that I have taken myself.
Annotated Bib 4 Sweet Auburn Market
Bonner, Jeanne. “Sweet Auburn Curb Market Viewed as Business Incubator”. Atlanta Journal Constitution. Accessed February 18, 2016.
In this article from the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Bonner includes the personal stories of people that have been affected by the Sweet Auburn Market in Atlanta, Georgia. Bonner argues that the Sweet Auburn Market provides entrepreneurial opportunity for members of the Atlanta community. The market strikes people in many different ways. It can be looked at as a place of history, a joining of community, or a convenient place to stop for lunch. However, in this article, the market is a place of reliance for people like Matt Hinton and Brounstein. For entrepreneurs like these men, the market has been offering a place where a new or small business can have the chance to be successful since it opened in 1924. The market provides an opportunity to vendors to have a stall as opposed to having to dedicate much more time and money to open a storefront.

Bonner, Jeanne. “Sweet Auburn Curb Market Viewed as Business Incubator”. Atlanta Journal Constitution. Accessed February 18, 2016.
I may use this article in my writing to show the effect the market has on those who have taken advantage of the vendor stalls and to explain how the market can be effective for those who do not have the money to invest in a storefront. I will explore how markets like these can affect the lives of those who seek a better life by becoming a vendor, and how this opportunity for low income vendors can improve the overall economy of Atlanta.
Reading Summary 4
“Recognizing Campus Landscapes as Learning Spaces” by Kathleen G. Scholl and Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi analyzes how the architecture of certain college campuses can work to relieve its students of the mental agitation that they face in the classroom. Nature, which can be defined in many ways, creates an environment for students that allows them to relax and put their mind at ease while also stimulating it. It is mentioned that being in touch with nature can come in many forms including having a house plant, a pet, walking in an open park, or a forest crowded with trees. Nature can be an agent to cleanse the mind which can be further explained by the Attention Restoration Theory. The theory suggests that nature has the ability to have a recovering effect on those who are cognitively exhausted.
University campuses that incorporate rain gardens, green houses/roofs, and living laboratories create a space where students can not only study and take care of the plants themselves, but it also gives the rest of the students a place where they can go to restore their attention. In addition, campus buildings can be constructed in ways to encourage the students to relax their mind like having open window space, natural light, one story buildings, and having the aforementioned nature spaces near by.
The idea behind this theory has played a significant role in campus construction all the way back to the United State’s first university, Princeton. Princeton was constructed in a more rural area with its buildings formed in a way to secure its students from the outside world as if to create a special sanctuary of learning. The nature surrounding the campus may have had a positive impact on the students, and in many college campuses today, the architects strive to have nature present in their layout.

“Princeton University : Usa Best University Information.” Accessed February 16, 2016.
However, students in the twenty first century are attracted to universities that are in urban areas in hopes to make easy connections with future internships and careers. Georgia State University is a perfect example of an “amorphous and integrative” campus (Scholl and Gulwadi). It is difficult to tell where the university ends and the city begins, and there is not much of a nature presence on campus. Although the natural element is not particularly present, students are drawn to Georgia State and perhaps have their nature fix by owning a pet or house plant.
In addition to present day campuses, Scholl and Gulwadi also discuss the history of university architecture. Due to the increase in students after World War II and the Great Depression, there underwent a massive reconstruction of campuses. The updates to buildings and equipment in the sciences and other subjects took the attention away from the importance of having a wall of security between the students and the outside world. It was then that campuses tended to construct separate areas of campus for different disciplines. The layout of campuses started to be more open and less secluded. This change contributed to increasing the sense of community, allowing students to more easily participate in recreational activities, and has an overall positive effect when working to recruit students and professors to chose their campus over others.
Mid-term Reflection
Becoming more comfortable with writing annotated bibliographies and summaries are helpful to me in every class. I find myself thinking about the skills I have learned in English 1101 and 1102 when I am writing papers for other classes or taking notes from the textbook.
I tend to give more of an overview of what I am reading, but it is important to include details and to make connections to what I already know. As I am reading an article or textbook I will begin to think about what connections I can make while I am reading. Many times I get an idea while I am reading, but instead of writing down the thought I keep reading, then my idea is lost.
I have done some of the quizzes on D2L which are helpful to me because I have always struggled with reading comprehension. These quizzes give me the practice that I need to improve my skills. The office visits and Skype sessions have been helpful so that I can get one on one feedback on my drafts.
I believe I have done well with keeping up with the work in this course. At the beginning, I was behind because I joined late and did not come to an office hours visit, and that fear of being behind jump started me to get down to business. The reading summaries in particular are a struggle for me because of my difficulties with reading comprehension, so I spend hours on each one and do my best to be as descriptive and thorough as I can.
This course has been very similar to my English 1101 course with Ms. Busser. I am challenged to look at places for more than just their face value, and I have been developing my skills to be more descriptive and to make connections to things that I would have never seen a connection before.
Reading Summary 3
“Space and consequences: The impact of different formal learning spaces on instructor and student behavior” by D. Christopher Brooks shines a light on how different learning environments can positively or negatively affect the learning process and overall student success. He expresses to the reader that there is a great lack of research done on the topic of how new technologies in the classroom affect learning. EDUCAUSE is the main organization that has been responsible for working to transforming the classroom environment, and it is important to know how this transformation is affecting the students. Education is the most important resource in a person’s life and the most important component to a country’s success by attaining more skilled workers. Without the most effective teaching styles and environments, the education system is doing a great disservice to their students. Brooks works to provide more information about different learning environments, so the system may be changed for the better.
Students at Massachusetts Institute of Technology who conducted their Technology Enabled Active Learning (TEAL) project found that in an active learning curriculum in technologically advanced spaces, students performed better than those in a lecture style classroom. The new environment reduced failure rates and increased understanding of the material. In addition, students from North Carolina State also found that the classrooms and curriculum associated with their Student-Centered Activities for Large Enrollment Undergraduate Programs (SCALE-UP) reduced failure rates and aided understanding while increasing class attendance, student attitudes, and problem-solving skills.
Brooks conducts a study comparing the traditional classroom to an Active Learning Classroom (ALC). The traditional classroom has all of the desks facing the front of the room where the professor’s podium is, there are few thin aisles for walking around, and there is one white board in the front of the room. In the Active Learning Classroom, the tables are circular, there are white boards on every wall, and there are many wide aisles to enable free movement around the room.
Examining these features, Brooks studied how much time the professor spent lecturing, the amount of group activities conducted, where the professor stood during class, if the professor consulted a student independently, how much time was spent using Q&A between the professor and students, how often the students were on or off task, and how the students’ test scores related to the students from the opposing environment.

Brooks, D. Christopher. “Space and consequences: The impact of different formal learning spaces on instructor and student behavior.” Journal of Learning Spaces 1.2 (2012).
For the majority of the topics, Brooks rejected his null hypotheses. The students in the ALC scored higher on their exams, there was more individual and class consulting in the ALC, and the professor moved around the room more frequently in the ALC. One surprising result was that the students tended to be more on task in the traditional learning environment, but Brooks described why this may have occurred. Brooks writes, “there is a distinct possibility that the issue lies with the operationalization and measurement of on-task behavior” (Brooks). What he expected to be on task behavior was derived from what learning environment he was used to— traditional. Although students tended to be on their phones and laptops more instead of facing the professor and taking notes, it may not be true that those students were off task.
In conclusion, the ALC resulted in variations of the professor’s behavior which affected the classroom activities which in turn, positively affected the students success in the course. He also mentions that the experiment will have more validated results if the experiment included many courses and professors instead of one. Ultimately, an active learning environment produces better results than a lecture style course
Exterior Description
The Edgewood Community Learning Garden (ECLG) is surrounded by a diverse group of homes. Driving towards the ECLG, and passing by the Edgewood neighborhoods, the background of the area can begin to be understood. Many of the houses are old, rotting, and some boarded up. However, nestled between these houses are homes that have been reconstructed to be made new and expensive. Gentrification has rocked the Edgewood scene to create an ever changing environment. Despite this transformation, the ECLG sits, surrounded by old houses, as a place of welcoming for all of the home owners in the neighborhoods— no matter their socioeconomic status. The beautiful entrance to the garden is never closed and has lovely hand painted signs on the inside and outside of the garden. The ECLG is always open to the public to watch the chickens and honey bees, to run around on the play set, or to gaze at the fresh vegetables and blooming flowers. During its six years of existence, every Tuesday, the garden invites all of the children around the area to visit the garden and to learn more about how fresh foods grow, where they come from, and why they are important (
The ECLG also provides a place where all the members of the community can come together and meet with one another during the events, like the Fall Roots Festival. The greenery and colorful welcome sign make it a place of serenity and happiness. There are paths made from place to place within the garden as to encourage its visitors to walk around and enjoy all that it has to offer. A greenery full of flowers, lies at the front of the garden, allowing the honey bees to do their work. The apiary, or bee yard, is built inside of the chicken coup because the chickens eat the larva of the parasitic bugs that affect the bees. To the left of the entrance, well kept rectangles hold a diverse selection of fruits and vegetables ( Beyond that, is the play set where the children can release their energy instead of taking it out on the delicate plants.
Exterior Description 5
It is evident that gentrification is occurring in the Edgewood neighborhoods. As I drove past the homes, a modern three story home sat next to a small one story home with the windows boarded up. Taking the place of an apartment complex, it is interesting that the garden was built here. During this garden’s six years of existence, it has witnessed the demolition and renovation of many homes, becoming too expensive for the poor to purchase.
Exterior Description 4
On their way home from school, these curious students stopped by to talk with me. I spoke to them about what they think about the garden, and they told me they liked to look at the chickens, and there was a band that came to play here. I later learned that what they were referring to the Fall Roots Festival last November where about 100 people joined in on this community unifying activity.
External Description 3
The vegetables grown in the ECLG are donated to food banks, and the children who help work in the garden can also sometimes bring food home with them. Upon speaking with the ECLG manager, Derek Pinson, I learned that they are planning to have a market stand set up so that the foods that are ripe enough to be eaten can be set on the stand for the surrounding community to take home with them.