Design Team Member Reflection

I very much enjoyed the opportunity to have an alternative assignment for my final. Being offered this assignment made me feel like my hard work during this course had been noticed and that I was being rewarded for it. The most challenging part was finding good material for my topic of business destinations. Not many articles seemed to fit that were well done, so I had to do a lot of editing. I normally, I do not like working in a group because I end up having to do all of the work; however, being with the top-point earners, that was not the case. My team members were very helpful, and eager to get the project done promptly. Particularly, Alex was very helpful. He had some great ideas, and he was willing to help me when I asked for it. I definitely learned more about building websites during this project and this course. That is an important and helpful skill in the technologically advanced world that we live in. Overall, this was a great experience, and I think it is a good idea to be used in the course in the future. However, I like that it was for the top-point earners. I do not think it would have been enjoyable if I was working with different people.

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