Basic Equipment
The following is a list of Basic laboratory equipment which does not require training, however if you are not familiar with the model or never used a certain piece of equipment or have not used it recently and would like a refresher/training please contact Mary Karom for assistance.
Histology Sectioning Equipment:
- Vibrotome 1000 Tissue Sectioning Located PSC 921
- Lieca CM 3050S Cryostat (2 of these) Located PSC 921
- Shandon Sliding Microtome Located PSC 921
- Sorvall RC 5B Refrigerator PSC 921
- MicroMax RF Ultra Refrigerator PSC 921
- Allegra X15-R RefrigeratorPSC 863/841
- Two Mini centrifuges (VWR pictured in specialized with Nanovue and Argos pictured below with shakers)
- Eppendorf 5424 micocentrifuge max 15,000 rpm (2 ml & 0.5 ml tubes) Two rotors with max min speeds. PSC 921 beside the MicroMax
- Sorvall 17 Refrigerated Bench Model (24 x 1.5-2.0 ml tubes) Max speed RPM 13,300, RCF 17,000. Temp range -9 C to +40 C.
- Eppendorf Vacufuge PLUS, concentrator or desicator microcentrifuge tubes – Location PSC 921
Water Baths

- Precision Scientific Shallow Form Shaker – Location PSC 921
- Precision water bath (2 units) – Location PSC 921
Shakers and Vortexers (Instructions by equipment)
- Microplate Incubator shaker holds up to 4 plates – Location PSC 921
- Fisher Brand Vortex Genie 2 – Location PSC 921
- Scientific Industries Genie 2 Vortex – Location PSC 921
- Muti-tube Troemner Vortexer – Location PSC 921
- Mini-Shaker (up to 8lbs load) – Location PSC 921
- Standard Orbit Shaker 5000 – Location PSC 921
- Microplate Shaker – Location PSC 921
- OMNI Bead Ruptor 12 Homogenizer – Location PSC 921
Incubators (Instructions on bench)

Water Purification Systems (Instructions by system)
- Thermolyn NanoPure UV/UF Ultrapure – Location PSC 921
- PureLab Classic ELGA Ultra Pure (UV/UF) – Location PSC 921
Cold Storage Units – Contact Mary Karom for storage space
- Two -80 Freezers for multiple users in PSC 863/841 and One -80 Freezer for multiple users in PSC 921. One multiple users -80 Freezer PSC 753.
- Long term storage -80 in PSC 753, One Back up -70 Freezer PSC 753 available upon request
- PSC 863 and PSC 921 houses 4 degree C refrigerators and -20 degree C freezers for multiple users
- Flammable Refrigerator in PSC 863
- Wet ice machine is availabe in PSC 753 and PSC 863
- Dry ice containers are in PSC 863 and PSC 921. Dry Ice is received on Monday and Wednesday in the NI Core.
- pH Meter Mettler Toledo FE20/EL20 Education Line – located in PSC 921 (Instructions by meter)
- Balance Fisher Science Education 0.0001g to 100 g – located in PSC 921 (Instructions by balance)
- Scale Fisher Science Education 0.1g-200g – located in PSC 921 beside balance
- Balances (2) 0.00001g to 100g PSC 921
- BioClave Bench top Autoclave (16 Liters capacity) for small items -Location PSC 921