nbritton1's Blog

Just another Georgia State University site

Class Prep

I first reorganized my blog through the creation of categories, which are located on the bottom left of the main page. Categories group together similar articles; for example, all of my SOS questions are submitted under an SOS category, and clicking on this heading will take users to all of my SOS posts. Categories are more user-friendly for this reason, as a multitude of related articles are more accessible by one simple search.

Next, I chose a theme for my website. Themes establish unity within a blog, and typify one blog from another. I chose this particular theme mostly for its aesthetics, and I like its series of organization; beneath the header there is space for a menu, and recent posts are placed at the top of the page. I also like the way this particular theme organizes categories; clicking on a category will bring up any articles in a category on the same page. My Built Environment Description category showcases all six articles on the same page, and gives a brief glimpse of each article with an option to read further.

I also created a menu to aid the organization of my blog, making it more user-friendly as important assignments are more noticeable and accessible. So far I only have two categories in my menu: Built Environment Descriptions and Atlanta Sites. I plan on having a category for each major project in my menu, since these carry the most weight with grades. I included Atlanta Sites in the menu because it is an extra credit assignment I frequently complete on my blog. As it is constantly used and updated, it should be more accessible to readers on the blog’s main page.

nbritton1 • September 27, 2016

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