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Posts Tagged ‘Week 2’

  1. “Garbage In…”


    January 27, 2015 by jeldredge1

    Any traditional history or public history scholar has to become familiar with digital scholarship, and it’s tools; there is no …
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  2. Week 2 Notes


    January 21, 2015 by Adina Langer

    During our second class, we discussed creating a style guide for our class website, had some lively conversation about the …
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  3. The Digital Archive and Open Access Scholarship


    January 20, 2015 by chuber1

    The major theme in this week’s reading was looking at the ways in which  digital tools and digital processes of …
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  4. Week 2 Readings


    January 20, 2015 by nbrown24

    While doing the readings for this week, one of the intriguing topics that stood out to me was the amount of …
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  5. History as Digital Practice


    January 20, 2015 by Alexandra Troxell

    I had many insights and takeaways from this weeks readings on research in the digital age, but one title sums …
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  6. New Perspectives


    January 19, 2015 by Susan Prillaman

    This week’s readings cut a wide swath through the issues, concerns, considerations and obstructions faced by historians in the evolving …
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  7. Interactivity of Digital Media at the Forefront of Scholarship


    January 18, 2015 by kdaly3

    This past week’s readings help audiences and readers gain an understanding of how digital tools can be used as more …
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