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Atlanta Rail Corridor Archive Style Guides


In the following section, we will detail our agreed-upon conventions for adding content to and formatting content for the Omeka-based Atlanta Rail Corridor Archive.



  • Mandatory
  • Name given to the resource
  • Should be simple and descriptive
    • Should not include the item type
      • For example “Photo of a White Cat” is excessive because the item will be tagged as a “still image”
      • “White Cat” would be an appropriate title
      • For a piece of art that is “Untitled” a descriptive title should be added in the “Alternative Title” field

Alternative Title

  • Optional
  • Alternative name for the resource
    • Can be subtitle
    • Can be descriptive title if the official title lacks clarity


  • Mandatory
  • Select from Library of Congress subject headings
  • Use one subject per field
  • Add a new field for each additional subject


  • Mandatory
  • This is your place to include detailed information about your item.
  • It should be written as prose and include a description of imagery depicted in our item if relevant along with background information and notes about the item’s historical significance and relationship with the city of Atlanta and the particular section of the BeltLine.


  • Mandatory
  • Include citations of references that enabled you to develop your description and/or other metadata areas


  • Mandatory if known
  • This should be the creator of the item itself
    • This is not the person who scanned a photo, it is the person who took the photo


  • Optional
  • This is the larger work from which a particular item is derived
    • For example, this would reference a scrapbook if you included a single page of the scrapbook in the archive
    • Or this would reference the entire newspaper if you included a single article from the newspaper


  • Optional
  • Official publisher of a published item, or digital collection of an item published for the first time on a digital collection website
  • Please include url for digital collection


  • Mandatory
  • Select a decade from the drop-down relevant to the creation of your item

Date Available

  • Optional
  • This is the scan-date for your item
  • Format should be yyyy-mm-dd

Date Accepted

  • Optional
  • Relevant to items, such as theses, that are submitted and then subsequently accepted
  • Format should be yyyy-mm-dd

Date Created

  • Mandatory if known
  • Format should be yyyy-mm-dd

Date Copyrighted

  • Optional
  • Only necessary if copyright date is different from creation date
  • Format should be yyyy-mm-dd

Date Modified

  • Optional
  • This is the date a change was made to the original item
  • Use more than one field if there is more than one modification date
  • Format should be yyyy-mm-dd

Date Issued

  • Optional
  • This is the publication date
  • Format should be yyyy-mm-dd

Date Valid

  • Optional
  • A date-range for when this item was valid (for items with expiration dates or later versions
  • Format should be yyyy-mm-dd — yyyy-mm-dd

Date Submitted

  • Optional
  • This is the date the item was submitted for review to its publisher or affiliate institution
  • Format should be yyyy-mm-dd


  • Mandatory
  • Select your name from the drop-down list


  • Optional
  • This should be a thorough accounting of where you found this item and how it came to be there if known.


  • Mandatory
  • A statement about the rights reserved or granted to the general public for this item
  • Unless this item was licensed under Creative Commons or is in the public domain, this is likely to be “All Rights Reserved”

Rights Holder

  • Mandatory if known
  • The name of the copyright holder for this item
  • Format should be surname, forename middle name

Access Rights

  • Mandatory
  • If the item is o be made public, then the statement should be that anyone can access this item


  • Mandatory
  • A statement about the license obtained to use this item in the Atlanta Rail Corridor Archive
  • “This copyright license grants Georgia State University the non-exclusive right to use, copy, exhibit, and display the above items for scholarly and educational purposes on the Atlanta Rail Corridor Archive website. Visitors to the Archive must contact the copyright holder to inquire about further use of the digitized items.”
  • A credit line should also be included here. For example Credit Line: Courtesy Atlanta BeltLine, Inc.


  • Optional
  • Enter the name of an item related to this item
  • If this item is also in the database, you should include its unique identifier #


  • Mandatory
  • Select from the drop-down of MARC languages that appears when you begin typing in the name of a language
  • Use additional fields for additional languages


  • Mandatory
  • Select from the drop-down list of types


  • Mandatory
  • Enter the name of the digital format of the item


  • Option
  • This is the material or physical carrier of the item
  • For example, this is “Paper” for a document or “Photographic print” for many still images


  • Mandatory
  • Create a unique identifier from the moment you are entering this information
  • Format should be yyyymmddhhmm
  • Save immediately after creating this unique identifier


  • Mandatory
  • Use the drop-down menu to select the BeltLine quadrant covered

  • Use more than one field if more than one quadrant covered

Spacial Coverage

  • Mandatory
  • Use the drop-down menu to select the relevant neighborhoods.

Temporal Coverage

  • This is the time-period or periods depicted by your item
  • Use the drop-down menu to select the relevant decades.

Bibliographic Citation

  • This is the bibliographic citation from the original repository and should include the original call-number for someone else looking to find this item again.

Section of Optional Fields

  • Fields from “Abstract” through “Requires” are all optional
  • Basic descriptions are included in the field comments
  • We can revisit these fields in the style guide if and when they are used


  • Optional
  • # of pages or duration of item


  • Optional
  • Describe the intended audience for the item
  • For example, if the item is a political cartoon, describe the readership of the magazine in which it appeared
  • Or if the item is a master’s thesis, describe the committee of educators who would have read the thesis

Audience Education Level

  • Optional
  • Select from drop-down indicating highest level of education necessary to understand the item

Item Type Metadata

  • Required
  • Select item type from dop-down
  • Fill in according to comments on the item-type fields

Original Format

  • Required
  • Here you enter the original format of the item.  Examples include
    • Black and white photographic film negative
    • Cartographic print (for maps)
    • Lithograph
    • Typed manuscript
  • This field is different from the “medium” field in the regular Dublin Core section which focuses specifically on the physical carrier only (such as paper, or film)






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