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  1. Week 2 Readings


    January 20, 2015 by nbrown24

    While doing the readings for this week, one of the intriguing topics that stood out to me was the amount of …
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  2. Well, There are Some Big Problems


    January 20, 2015 by jrenner1

    Ah, the pitfalls of digital history. I think it’s very easy, at least for me personally, to think about digital …
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  3. History as Digital Practice


    January 20, 2015 by Alexandra Troxell

    I had many insights and takeaways from this weeks readings on research in the digital age, but one title sums …
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  4. New Perspectives


    January 19, 2015 by Susan Prillaman

    This week’s readings cut a wide swath through the issues, concerns, considerations and obstructions faced by historians in the evolving …
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  5. Week Two: Toward Teaching the Introductory History Course, Digitally


    January 19, 2015 by rjordan10

    After finishing up the readings and articles assigned for this week, there was one section in particular that stood out …
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  6. Interactivity of Digital Media at the Forefront of Scholarship


    January 18, 2015 by kdaly3

    This past week’s readings help audiences and readers gain an understanding of how digital tools can be used as more …
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  7. Week 1 Notes


    January 15, 2015 by Adina Langer

    Our digital history class is off to a great start. Despite the sleepy time-slot, we had a lively conversation about …
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  8. Getting Into the Swing of Things


    January 7, 2015 by Adina Langer

    In just under a week, we will begin our semester-long exploration of the theory and practice of digital history. At …
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