It’s very interesting to see how objects are projected, and used as a vital skill in writing. I can clearly see the benefits- and how useful it will be in developing and creating good writing skills. I have always struggled with my thoughts. For example, When learning to write papers and essays, I was encouraged to use one particular format, which was not completely bad . But it limited my imaginary skills. In my opinion this put limits on my input.
In the article “Style as evidence” he pointed out that “Objects can mean different things to individuals at different times and ages”. I totally agree. At some point in my life I felt more attached to objects. However, at this point I’m more interested in health and all the things that money can’t buy,
However, I do agree that using objects to describe: or create ideas. will work well. I also feel that this style of writing should be implemented when teaching basic writing skills.
After, reading these articles. I do see how people identify themselves with objects. Personally, I can’t find any particular object that makes me feel horrible. I feel like I’m in control of my own thoughts and actions. Objects, might briefly remind me of a time or moment in my life. Besides that , I decide my own mood and control my own feelings.
I’m far from offended,about comments made by the author in regards to student writers. I feel school is a place people go to learn and develop good skills. Positive, constructive criticism is very health, and I welcome it.
I agree with you on several points – I think. There have been times in my life when I too have been more attached to objects than at other times. Objects don’t generally make me feel bad, and although I always own my actions and emotions, I can’t say I’m always in control, at least of my emotions, so I’ll admit to be somewhat in awe of someone who has that skill. Of course our health is always important; getting older has certainly reinforced that! Beyond those points, however, you lost me.
Forgive me, but in my opinion, your blog post would benefit from Maguire’s idea of writing from an object-based standpoint. You chose to point out that this style of writing is useful and beneficial, but I don’t think it is enough to say you can see the benefits of writing in this way. If you are going to make that statement, you also need to show why you believe it to be so, and to show how it would be useful in developing good writing skills. As a writer, what are its benefits to you?
As a reader, it would be helpful to me to have that abstract idea broken down into something I can relate to, and because this is an expository writing class where we are learning to explain things, I need object-based writing explained to me. The explanation has to start with what I’ll call the “lowest common denominator:” something we all understand, something concrete. If you were to ask me to explain the internet to you, for example, I might compare it to the line of telephone poles, relays, and switches that run alongside most roadways that allow us to talk to relatives on the other side of the globe. Once I have explained what the internet is, then I could explain its benefits. First step: the writer must understand what she is writing about and that can be a toughie when writing about an idea.
My hope is that you will take my criticism as constructive. I’ve never written a response to a blog post before and therefore, I may be way off base. Nevertheless, I mean this post to be helpful, not hurtful. We’re all here to learn.
I find your comment about format to be very interesting and germane to the ongoing discussion of Maguire. Maguire’s view of student writing as confused, undeveloped, and basically bad seems to be rooted in the sense that something is missing.
Basically, many students go through high school and 1st year college writing with a lot of focus being placed on the “5 paragraph essay” and the importance of including quotes from sources and providing a properly formatted bibliography.
What does this focus omit? Substance! I personally wrote an essay in a literature class in high school and received a 95% grade on grammar and mechanics and an “F” on content. I agree with Maguire, from my experience with my own evolution as a writer, that many students lack clarity, that their writing is too abstract.
As many have spoken in various comments, Maguire does come across to some as a bit condescending, but I think that his tone comes from a place of trying to be generally helpful, combined with own experience of trying a “skills based” approach to teaching writing, which seems, for him, to have yielded good results. Approaches to teaching and learning could be considered as objects, in a sense as well, as they are tangible actions that can be implemented and tested.
Finally, I like your closing statement about welcoming healthy criticism– while listening to someone speak critically about my own work, it can be a little painful. As the old adage goes, “No pain, no gain.”