In this chapter I learned the importance of having good test taking strategies and having the right preparation for an exam. During my high school years I was the type of person that could do well on a test or assignment without taking notes. I guess you could say I was more of an auditory learner. Now that college has hit I have tried to continue with my auditory learning style, but in college it does not really work as well and I had to find that out the hard way when I scored a 72 on my government exam. It was a tough lesson to learn, but it was needed. Since then I have started to take good notes in all of my lecture classes to make sure that I do well on my tests.
Monthly Archives: October 2015
Chapter 3
In this chapter I learned about the importance of scheduling an appointment and meeting with your academic adviser. Coming to Georgia State I did not really know what I wanted to do and this was a problem for me because I did not want to take classes that would not end up helping me towards my future. In the very first week I was able to get an appointment with Mrs. Jenise Stafford and she was able to help me find out what I was interested in. We came to the conclusion that Computer Information Systems was probably the track that I should take for right now and I was able to switch out of my Anthropology class and my World Religions class for Statistics and Macro Economics. Mrs. Stafford was a very kind lady and she made the process super easy and comfortable. I would recommend anyone that is lost in the academic process to go ahead and schedule an appointment .