Hankins, Katherine B., Robert Cochran, and Kate Driscoll Derickerson. “Making Space, Making Race: Reconstituting White Privilege in Buckhead, Atlanta.” Social & Cultural Geography (n.d.): 379-97. Advanced Placement Source. Web. 5 Feb. 2015.
This article is about the area of Buckhead and the built-environment around it, especially Lenox, “Ultimately razed to make space for luxury shopping.” The racialized space in Buckhead and the majority rich white people who live there.This article goes in depth about the perception of race and inequality in the community of Buckhead. “We argue that race was an unstated but deeply important social relation shaping the process by which this particular space was remade.” This in-depth analysis of the space helps contribute to my research on the area and the social discrimination linked to it.The authors analyze the whiteness of the area. The audience that this is directed towards is the people living in the area and the people concerned with this problem. In this article credible statistics are used and “Buckhead had been the epicenter of wealth in Atlanta.”