Natasha’s Reading Reflection #3

We have discussed several topics throughout this semester and have gained a great amount of introductory insight into the field of instructional design and have built a solid foundation for this program. One of the topics we read during the final portion of the semester is that of collaboration and communication. I believe that this is one of the most important aspects of instructional design. Cenamo and Kalk outlined several aspects of the collaboration cycle, the collaborative ASC cycle. The ASC cycle entails assembling information and asking questions, synthesizing information and solving problems, and lastly check and confirm your understanding. In order to design any learning experience, it is important to go through each of the aforementioned steps before beginning any project. The text also discusses several key individuals that should be involved with the project and are vital for successful completion. These roles include, the client, SME (subject matter expert), the instructional designer, and the production team (video producers, audio engineers, project manager, and multimedia developers). It is essential to determine and assign the roles necessary for completing the project to ensure the client and end-users needs are met and the project remains timely.

It is also vital to establish methods and frequency of communication to maintain the scope of the project and ensure the involved parties are aware of the status of the project. Cenamo and Kalk also discussed the importance of brainstorming, creating a prototype to present to the client, and completing an iterative process of revising as needed, while maintaining the timeline of the project. The text provides several tips on decorum while completing a design project, effective commination and collaboration. In one of our case studies, we were able to analyze the areas of opportunity regarding the completion of the project. Several of the issues that impacted the success of the project started with the level of communication, lack of defined management, lack of proper planning, or building a team to assist in completing the project. By establishing and creating clear communication, proper planning, and collaboration one can set a solid foundation for successful project completion.

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