October 2019

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Everything You Need to Know about Working with SMEs

Everything You Need to Know about Working with SMEs Judy Newman Georgia State University October 15, 2019 Reference Articulate Community. (2019, October 3). Articulate Community. Retrieved from Community.Articulate.com: https://community.articulate.com/series/everything-you-need-to-know-about-working-with-smes?utm_source=epiphanies&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=071019-Epiphanies-3&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTm1ZeFlUYzFNRFl6WXprNCIsInQiOiI4dzVlQWdnT3lNZkYyd3BxenhqS2FkWUJqTnV4NXN3b2R Summary The article Everything You Need to know about Working with SMEs is a series of related websites authored by members of Articulate’s user-support Community, i.e. […]

Article Review: Exploring Design Elements for Online Stem Courses: Active Learning, Engagement & Assessment Design

Kokila Ravi Chen, B., Bastedo, K., & Howard, W. (2018). Exploring Design Elements for Online STEM Courses: Active Learning, Interaction & Assessment Design. Online Learning, 22(2). doi: 10.24059/olj. v22i2.1369 Article Summary: This article aims to identify effective design elements for online courses in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine fields at a large four-year public university in southeastern […]

Article Review: Graduate Students Using Concept Mapping to Visualize Instructional Design Processes

In the article being reviewed, Tian Lou and John Baaki of Old Dominion University completed a one year study evaluating the effect implementing graphic organizers had on students’ perceived learning in regards to the completion of an instructional design project. The study implemented the instructional tool into the final project for three graduate level courses […]

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