Exposure Therapy: All you need to know.

What is Exposure Therapy? 

According to the American Psychological Association, Exposure therapy is a psychological treatment that was developed to help people confront their fears. When people are fearful of something, they tend to avoid the feared objects, activities, or situations. Although this avoidance might help reduce feelings of fear in the short term, over the long term it can make the fear become even worse. In such situations, a psychologist might recommend a program of exposure therapy in order to help break the pattern of avoidance and fear. In this form of therapy, psychologists create a safe environment in which to “expose” individuals to the things they fear and avoid. The exposure to the feared objects, activities, or situations in a safe environment helps reduce fear and decrease avoidance.

In short, Exposure therapy is the idea that exposing people to their fears in controlled amounts will help people ultimately overcome their fears and decrease the chances of those people avoiding that fear.

Who can it help? 

Exposure therapy is usually used to help people with PTSD. However it can also be used to help those with phobias, anxiety and panic attacks and people with obsessive compulsive disorders.

Types of Treatment

  1. In vivo exposure: This involves the person directly facing their fears. For example, a person who is afraid of bugs may be directly exposed to them.
  2. Imaginal exposure: This involves the person mentally pushing themselves to recreate the fear or imagine and discussing it.
  3. Virtual reality exposure: This method is the same as In vivo exposure, but is used when peoples fears are not easily obtainable or difficult to recreate.
  4. Interoceptive exposure: This involves the person bringing their fear upon themselves and realizing that it can not harm them.

Rate of Treatment

Treatment can be administered three different ways. The first way is Graded exposure. In graded exposure, the person is slowly exposed to their fears and is gradually increased as the treatment progresses. For some this means starting with “easy fears” and progressing to more difficult ones. The second rate of treatment is Flooding. In flooding, the person starts with multiple fears at once and is usually exposed to their greatest fears. The last rate of treatment is Systematic Desensitization. This type of treatment places people with their fears however, they are relaxed beforehand. The idea is that they will be relaxed and therefore will not feel the fear as strongly and eliminate it altogether.

Sourced from: http://www.div12.org/sites/default/files/WhatIsExposureTherapy.pdf

Class notes February 1st

February 1st Class Notes


The notes I have taken are what I heard and how I interpreted it. These notes do not cover 100% of everything that was said in class and not word for word. Some things on here have the possibility to be wrong. I am only human.

Today in class we discussed:

  • Sos Page.
  • Annotated Bibliography Workshop
  • Discussed Built Environment


  • +5points for asking questions
  • +10 for answering questions with link and helpful support.

How to add the SOS category to our sites:

  • Go under Posts à Categories
  • Under name type: SOS (All caps)
  • Under slug type sos (undercase)
  • Leave parent blank.
  • Add description if you like and then press Add New Category.

Annotated Bibliography Workshop

Today we opened the rubric for the Annotated Bibliography.

Questions that arose:

Q: Does it have to be based on the readings?

A: No, it can be about the built environment in general, but it has to be related to the class.

Q: Does each set of annotated bib have to be about the same topic?

A: No, as long as its complete.

Q: Do annotated bibliographies have to be related to Atlanta?

A: No as long as its relevant to the built environment.

Q: How should we make a description about the annotated bibliography?

A: Go under link http://guides.library.cornell.edu/annotatedbibliography and use the one under MLA format to reference. You can quote, should be mostly in your own words. Paraphrase!

Q: Where does Zotero come into play?

A: Right now Zotero is extra credit for the time being. Will get into Zotero next week.

Q: How much to quote?

A: Quoting is fine as long as you provide support as to why the quote was chosen etc. Quoting should not take most of the Bibliography.

Notes while looking at an example of an annotated bibliography: http://sites.gsu.edu/dnorwood6/2016/02/01/bibliography-wilfried-wang/

  • This post was correctly categorized.
  • Complete and credible.
  • Will get at least 25 Points because it meets the minimum.
  • Few problems with format, but not enough to deter from being credible.
  • Quotes are too long. Needs to be more selective.
  • Writing is good (low spelling and punctuation issues).
  • Organization is good.
  • Score: around 35 points.

Discussed Built Environment

  • Discussed personal experiences with the locations we picked.
  • How is Atlanta different from New York?
  • New York became a big city before we had cars. So it made sense to have a public transportation system. Atlanta was in the age of cars when it boomed, so it didn’t make sense to have a public transportation system. Why spend money on public transportation when you have cars?

Additional notes