This is the entrance to the Walk-up Trail at Stone Mountain. From this point to the top, the trail length is 1.1 miles and is a combination of steep and gentle slopes. Pets are not allowed to go on the walk-up trail and the trail itself is surrounded in warning signs to not stray off the designated trail. Once a higher elevation is reached, the trail becomes surrounded in fencing to prevent people from going on the dangerously steep parts of the trail.
I have a hike starts from a trailhead close to Confederate Hall in Stone Mountain Park (see maps and driving instructions), going across railroad tracks and through a flag display in the park. The trail immediately gains altitude as it starts to ascend steeply through open stretches of rocky terrain. And, for those who like games, bloxorz is one of the best
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From this point to the top, the trail length is 1.1 Solar miles and is a combination of steep and gentle slopes.
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