2014 GABIO/RAMC Conferences
The 13th annual Georgia Bio Innovation Summit was held October 16th in Atlanta, GA. Five students presented posters of their research. Kyle Gabriel, PhD studentCategory: Molecular and Biological ResearchUse of Antifungal Volatile Organic Compounds with a Novel Automated Dispersal Device…

2014 White-Nose Syndrome Workshop
Christopher Cornelison and Kyle Gabriel recently presented their research at the 7th annual white-nose syndrome workshop on September 8-12, 2014, in St. Louis, Missouri. The workshop, hosted by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Missouri Department of Conservation, Missouri State Parks…

Honeybee Research on GPBNews
Georgia Institute of Technology’s Jennifer Leavey, Ph.D. and Georgia State University’s Christopher Cornelison, Ph.D. were interviewed at Georgia Public Broadcasting about the current state of honeybees and current research underway to treat them.

The Honeybee Project at GSU
Our antifungal research involving bats, honeybees, banana plants, and grain appears in the Summer 2014 issue of Georgia State University Magazine, along with a beautifully-produced video by Public Relations and Marketing Communications. Download the entire magazine as PDF (article on…

Our Research in the News (2013/14)
Magazine articles featuring our antifungal research have recently been published in the Volume 64, No. 1, Jan/Feb/Mar 2014 edition of Society of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB) News and the Volume 31, No. 2, Summer 2013 edition of Bats Magazine….

WNS Radio Interview on WABE 90.1
Airing 6 AM, April 9, 2014 on Atlanta’s WABE 90.1, Georgia Public Radio, Bat-Killing Fungus Spreads In Georgia Black Diamond Tunnel sits just outside the city of Clayton in the northeast corner of Georgia. In the mid-1800s, the tunnel was…

Georgia Tech Urban Honeybee Project
Biology undergraduate Meredith Greene investigates the use of Rhodococcus rhodochrous DAP 96253 to inhibit the growth of a pathogenic fungus that preys on honeybee larvae, with the Urban Honeybee Project at