WNS Research in S&P Global Market Intelligence
Seeking new model of pipeline partnership, Williams funds Ga. wildlife research Reprinted from S&P Global Market Intelligence “A major natural gas pipeline company is bankrolling research in Georgia in an attempt to defeat a disease that is destroying bat populations,…

Microbiology and Beer
The Atlanta Science Festival is around the corner again (March 15 – 25, 2017), and this week they’ve featured our collaborative work with Orpheus Brewing in an article, The Awesome Science of Everyday Life: The Science Behind Beer with Orpheus…
WNS Treatment Research in the News
We announced earlier this year we began collaborating with federal agencies and a private land owner to develop an integrated disease management (IDM) strategy at Black Diamond Tunnel, for treating and preventing white-nose syndrome. Recently, several news agencies featured our…

4-Year WNS Treatment at Black Diamond Tunnel
Georgia State University researchers Chris Cornelison, Kyle Gabriel, and Sidney Crow of Georgia State University received bat conservation funding provided by Transcontinental Gas Pipeline Company (Transco) to begin a collaborative, 4-year project to develop and implement white-nose syndrome treatment methods…

GSU & TNC Collaborate on Artificial Cave Construction
In collaboration with the Tennessee Chapter of The Nature Conservancy, PhD students Kyle Gabriel and John Neville of Georgia State University traveled to Tennessee on October 14, 2015, to install a humidity regulation system in a 13,000 ft3 artificial cave….
WNS-Treated Bats Released into Wild
On Tuesday, May 19th, bats that were treated for white-nose syndrome (WNS) were released back into the wild. This past winter’s experimental treatment has been heralded a success by researchers and federal wildlife management agencies. This marks the first time…

Snake Fungal Disease Survey at Zoo Atlanta
On March 4th, 2015, graduate students Cami Rose, Juliana Eslava, Blake Cherney, and Kyle Gabriel, with the help of undergraduates Samaya Henry and Summer Mashayekh, visited Zoo Atlanta to conduct a survey for the fungus that causes snake fungal disease…

White-Nose Syndrome Survey at White River Cave
On February 24, 2015, Dr. Chris Cornelison and doctoral students Kyle Gabriel and Kelly Cannon of Georgia State University joined Katrina Morris and Jackie Jeffery of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources for a population and white-nose syndrome (WNS) survey…