Annotated Bibliography
1. Lizarralde, Gonzalo, et al. “A Systems Approach To Resilience In The Built Environment: The Case Of Cuba.” Disasters 39.(2015): s76-s95. Academic Search Complete. Web. 5 Feb. 2016.
In the article “A Systems Approach To Resilience In The Built Environment: The Case Of Cuba.” a team of researchers examined the systematic theory to resilience of the Cuban National approach to natural disasters within the built environment. Researchers conducted a study to investigate the Cuban National approach theory through the elements of risk reduction, efficient reconstruction strategies, and the adaption to a changing environment. The results of the case study indicated that the Cuban National approach theory successfully decreased the number of deaths during a natural disaster by efficient health- care services, high levels of preparation and training, a warning program trusted by the population, and critical trust between government officials and the civil society. Cuba’s model highlights the contradiction to the stereotypical theory that large amounts of funds are what prepare countries/cities for natural disaster. The Atlanta built environment can reflect upon the Cuban model to better understand the critical framework to execute a systematic plan long before a natural disaster ever approaches.
2. Beer, Chris. “The Contingent Public Value Of ‘Good Design’: Regulating The Aesthetics Of The Australian Urban Built Environment.” Australian Journal Of Public Administration 73.2 (2014): 282-292. Business Source Complete. Web. 5 Feb. 2016.
Chris Beer, An Economic Development Directorate at ACT Government and University of Canberra conducts an evaluation on Australian architect on the premise of what public value recognizes as beautiful or “Good Design” within the built environment. Beer explains the origin of architectural beauty originates as far back as the ancient geeks similarly, like the western “Beautiful City” movement in the late 1800s – rapid growth in population placed significant opinion to the appearance of the sprouting built environment. Today’s modern building design can be determined by the economic area associated with the structure. Beer examines Australian jurisdiction, through placement of regulations within certain areas for the attractiveness of specific built environments. Also regulation utilized moderately can benefit the aesthetic look of the built environment. Atlanta’s built environment is steadily growing the attributes of the city’s continue to become more appealing. Moderate regulation and wise building planning will allow Atlanta to have a greatly designed built environment.
3. Hirsch, Jana A, et al. “Built Environment Change And Change In BMI And Waist Circumference: Multi-Ethnic Study Of Atherosclerosis.” Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.) 22.11 (2014): 2450-2457. MEDLINE with Full Text. Web. 5 Feb. 2016.
In this article, the authors discuss how the built environment affects BMI, waist Circumference, and the difference in these factors in diverse groups of adults. The study conducted researched to display that Americans are less likely to create built environments where critical elements like grocery stores and other shops located within 10-15 minutes walking distance. By American built environments recreating spaces that encourage more walking the obesity would decrease. Furthermore, the article examines that built environment cultures that promote active ways of living experience an overall healthier population in the built environment. Atlanta’s built environment can create establishments that promote health and navigate individual citizens to an enhance state of living.