ILOG is a standalone program for log-linear analysis. Log-linear analysis can be useful for analyzing event sequential data in particular, as described in Chapter 11 of Bakeman and Quera (2011). GSEQ’s Export N-way table utility writes files than can be read directly by ILOG. The current version is ILOG 4; an earrlier DOS version was described in:
Bakeman, R., & Robinson, B. F. (1994). Understanding log-linear analysis with ILOG: An interactive approach.Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
The ZIP file contains the executable, ILOG4.EXE, and a PDF file that describes the program. Look for it in your download folder.
ILOG4 is written in Embarcadero® Delphi® XE2 Version 16 Pascal. It uses an Iterative Proportional fitting (IPF) algorithm to estimate expected frequencies and runs on a PC under Microsoft Windows or a Mac running a PC simulation program.