GSEQ Version 5.1 includes new algorithms for computing interobserver agreement, both for event and timed-event sequential data, which are described in:
Bakeman, R., Quera, V., & Gnisci, A. (2009). Observer agreement for timed-event sequential data: A comparison of time-based and event-based algorithms. Behavior Research Methods, 41 (1), 137-147.
Quera, V., Bakeman, R., & Gnisci, A. (2007). Observer agreement for event sequences: Methods and software for sequence alignment and reliability estimates. Behavior Research Methods, 39 (1), 39-49.
Look for the ZIP file in your Downloads folder. The ZIP file contains the executable GSEQ51Setup.exe. Running the setup file installs the program. Thereafter, to run GSEQ, click Start > Programs > GSEQ5 > GSEQ 5.1, or click on the GSEQ desktop icon.
Converting The Observer or INTERACT data files to SDIS-formatted files for GSEQ.
Often the CSV (comma separated value) text data files produced by data-capture programs (e.g., Datavyu, ELAN, INTERACT, and The Observer) can be converted to SDIS-formatted files (SDS files) most efficiently using the editing capabilities of Excel or a scripting language like Python). However, we have written a couple of conversion programs that may prove useful.
Download (Version 4.1, February 20, 2019) from Georgia State University. Look in your Downloads folder for the zip file.
ObsTxtSds (Noldus’ The Observer to SDIS converter) converts Version 6 and later Noldus’ The Observer data files into SDIS files that can be subsequently analyzed by GSEQ. For information about The Observer, visit
Download (Version 4.0, November 2016) from Georgia State University. Look in your Downloads folder for the zip file
ActSds (Mangold’s INTERACT to SDIS converter) converts Mangold’s INTERACT data files, various versions, into SDIS files that can be subsequently analyzed by GSEQ. For information about INTERACT, visit
ActSds and OdfSds (an earlier version of ObsTxtSds) were described in:
Bakeman, R., & Quera. V. (2008). ActSds and OdfSds: Programs for converting INTERACT and The Observer data files into SDIS timed-event sequential data files. Behavior Research Methods, 40 (3), 869-872. /10.3758/brm.40.3.869
The ZIP files contain the executable file, either ActSds.exe or ObsTxtSds, and a PDF file describing the program.
Download from Georgia State University. Look in your Downloads folder for the zip file.
ELign: A standalone program for aligning event sequential data by means of dynamic programming algorithms, and computing an alignment kappa. Note that the ELign algorithm is included in GSEQ 5 as well; using GSEQ 5 for aligning event sequences and computing Kappa is easier than using ELign. Eligin is described in:
Quera, V., Bakeman, R., & Gnisci, A. (2007). Observer agreement for event sequences: Methods and software for sequence alignment and reliability estimates. Behavior Research Methods, 39 (1), 39-49.
The ZIP file contains the executable file, Elign.exe, plus several sample SDIS data files.
All programs were written in Embarcadero® Delphi® XE2 Version 16 Pascal and run on a PC under Microsoft Windows or a Mac running a PC simulation program.