Roger Bakeman
GSU Profile with CV
Welcome to my website. It lets you download memos that both I and my colleague or some 40 years, Lauren B Adamson, have written. It also provides information about, and lets you download at no cost, computer programs that I and my colleague, Vicenç Quera, have written. These program run on Windows computers, or on Apple computers running a Windows simulator.

Lauren B Adamson (1948–2021)
GSU Profile with CV
Bakeman Memos
I have written a series of memos over the past few years, mainly about methodological topics, that you can download as PDF files. Perhaps the most useful one deals with effect sizes, in which I argue that effect sizes should be presented first and p values second, and that generalized eta squared should be given when reporting results of repeated measures analyses, and not the partial eta squared that SPSS displays.
Adamson Memos
My colleague, Lauren B Adamson, has written a series of memos (developmental lab technical reports) that you can download as PDF files. They describe the Communication Play Protocol used in our research and rating-item schemes we have used to assess joint engagement and joint attention that others have found useful.
Bakeman Programs
Over the years I and my colleague, Vicenç Quera (Univesity of Barcelona), have written a series of computer programs that you can download as ZIP files that contain the EXE files for the programs. These programs include:
GSEQ, the Generalized Sequential Querier, a computer program for analyzing sequential observational data. It computes a variety of simple and contingency table statistics. Simple statistics include frequencies, rates, durations, and proportions (percentages). Contingency statistics include joint frequencies, adjusted residuals, and, for 2×2 tables, odds ratios and Yule’s Q. Lags and data modification procedures allow for time-window sequential analysis. Vicenç Quera (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain) and I have been developing this program since the 1990s.
To use with GSEQ, text data files (e.g., CSV files) produced by data-capture programs (e.g., Datavyu, ELAN, INTERACT, and The Observer) can be converted using the editing capabilities of Excel or a scripting language like Python (although we have produced some conversion programs).
ILOG, interactive log-linear analysis, a computer program that performs, log-linear analyses interactively. Log-linear analysis is a useful but under-used technique for investigators who categorize some entity (persons, dyads, various kinds of events such as bids for attention or turns of talk in conversations, etc.) on several dimensions using nominal scales and then tally the results in a multi-dimensional contingency table.
KappaAcc, a program that computes various kappa statistics and estimates observer percentage accuracy. When observers code or rate events, Kappa is a statistic that gauges inter-observer agreement corrected for chance. Because no one value of kappa can be regarded as universally acceptable, estimated accuracy provides a way to judge the adequacy of the computed value.