I chose this ad because I remember seeing it on TV at home and thinking “What in the world?!”.

The video shows a political advertisement for Drew Ferguson, who is running as a Congressman for Georgia. His campaign is clearly running on the ideas of conservatism, religion, and family/middle class values. In the beginning of the video, Ferguson is literally, with subtitles, shown as a father, husband, and dentist. The video places these words over pictures of Ferguson at a church, playing football with his family, and performing dental services on a patient. The video makes it clear that Ferguson is a Republican that promotes small government and “cutting red tape”. There is a specific example shown of him in front of a tower for the Kia plant in Georgia, which helped create thousands of jobs in the state. The simplification of his values, up to what he chooses to wear, shows that he has a very specific target audience. The fact that republican political ads in Georgia only need to be that simple to get a point across shows the close mindedness that often exists with the two-party system. The video itself is only 30 seconds long! Yet Ferguson’s campaign managers know that the 30 seconds filled with conservative stereotyping will most likely be enough to convince Republican Georgia voters. The campaign advertisement presents similar values as Donald Trump, with him mentioning how Washington is “sending our jobs to Mexico and China”, quite randomly. However Ferguson’s approach focuses around the idea of “I’m just like you”, which is quite different from Trump, considering Trump is a millionaire.