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‘Reading Response’ Category

  1. The “My bad. Please forgive me.” Defense


    February 3, 2015 by Susan Prillaman

    When faced with a request that will likely be denied, I’ve heard people joke–with some seriousness–that they should beg forgiveness …
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  2. Week 4: Writing History 2.0


    February 3, 2015 by acoleman34

    One of the central tenants of Rosenzweig’s thought that runs throughout each of the essays is praise of the decentralization …
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  3. Cautiously Optimistic


    February 3, 2015 by jeldredge1

    After reading the rest of Roy Rosenzweig’s Clio Wired, and Chapter 2 of History in the Digital Age written by Luke Tredinnick, I …
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  4. The Secondary Digital Divide


    February 3, 2015 by chuber1

      Several things stood out to me in this week’s readings revolving around who owns digital sources, how we access …
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  5. Digital History and Citing Sources: The ‘Wild West’ Mentality


    February 2, 2015 by rjordan10

    While all of the readings from this week were interesting and thought provoking, there was one that stood out to …
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  6. Scholarly Sustainability and Use on the Digital Platform


    February 1, 2015 by kdaly3

    I find that Rosenzweig’s Clio Wired asked more questions about the future of scholarship and libraries as a result of …
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  7. “Garbage In…”


    January 27, 2015 by jeldredge1

    Any traditional history or public history scholar has to become familiar with digital scholarship, and it’s tools; there is no …
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  8. Week Two: Live by the Sword…


    January 20, 2015 by jjackson39

    It is commonly argued by many of the best and brightest among us that we live in a new golden …
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  9. Why Wikipedia is Not Just a Running Joke.


    January 20, 2015 by nsakas1

    There were a couple of interesting things this week’s readings brought to mind. The thoughts I had this week centered …
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  10. The Digital Archive and Open Access Scholarship


    January 20, 2015 by chuber1

    The major theme in this week’s reading was looking at the ways in which  digital tools and digital processes of …
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