Built environment of GSU Plaza


How does the environmental design of the quad effect ones behavior in that space?


Georgia state university is a diverse university in the heart of downtown Atlanta Georgia that contains students with different backgrounds, different religions and nationalities. The GSU quad is made up of many little sections and concrete walls that travel throughout the plaza with a huge water fountain in the middle of the courtyard with GSU symbol at the bottom of the water container.The design of GSU’s quad discourages a sense of unity and community instead of encouraging it. It is brown benches and stairs that fall along down the quad with a concrete ground with the GSU symbol along the concrete ground.








photo taken by me “ZI’Neshia Ajuzie”



The concrete walls are made up of bricks and the stairs are flat and long and the rail for the pole is made up as a metal cylinder poles. there are blue trash binds made up of metal materials and are place around the quad.there is a ramp that connects to a railing pole that is made up of metal.