

(Photo from GSU website)


Georgia State University, an enterprising urban public research university, is a national leader in graduating students from widely diverse backgrounds.The student body of more than 53,000 demonstrates that students from all backgrounds can achieve at high rates with unsurpassed connections to the city’s business, government, nonprofit and cultural organizations.Georgia State is among the most diverse universities in the nation. It has a university-wide commitment to student advising with a keen focus on students’ progress to graduation.The university has cultivated the ability to detect early when students face obstacles affecting their studies. As a result, Georgia State has achieved national acclaim as a leader in creating innovative approaches that get students back on track and successfully headed to graduation.Even though Georgia State University is filled with different types of people with different religions, nationalities and backgrounds.”

This quote from the GSU website explains how Georgia State University is a diverse school that contains different students with different backgrounds, different religions, and nationalities. and how students in a diverse setting still achieve and excel on a higher leave.

In 1950’s GSU’s “QUAD” became the Library Plaza. Originally it was the  gymnasium/ auditorium on Courtland Street/Collins Avenue in May of 1951,located in the area between Sparks Hall and Pullen Library North.