How does the environmental design of the quad effect ones behavior in that space?


Georgia State University, an enterprising urban public research university, is a national leader in graduating students from widely diverse backgrounds.The student body of more than 53,000 demonstrates that students from all backgrounds can achieve at high rates with unsurpassed connections to the city’s business, government, nonprofit and cultural organizations.Georgia State is among the most diverse universities in the nation. It has a university-wide commitment to student advising with a keen focus on students’ progress to graduation.The university has cultivated the ability to detect early when students face obstacles affecting their studies. As a result, Georgia State has achieved national acclaim as a leader in creating innovative approaches that get students back on track and successfully headed to graduation.Even though Georgia State University is filled with different types of people with different religions, nationalities and backgrounds.


In 1950’s GSU’s “QUAD” became the Library Plaza. Originally it was the  gymnasium/ auditorium on Courtland Street/Collins Avenue in May of 1951,located in the area between Sparks Hall and Pullen Library North. According to Taylor, a Georgia state student researcher, “The Georgia state university plaza divides students into groups and separates them from the GSU theme of an inclusive campus. The plaza space is divided by stairs,ramps, and sections blocked of by concrete. On an average day you can find most people who smoke sit together in a self designated smoking area,and on the other side students who aren’t very social sit spaced out alone.”

The GSU QUAD was designed in 1985 for as an area for students to use for a studying and to connect with social groups to enhance educational studying purposes. The QUAD discourages unity in numerous of ways such as first how its design it divide throughout the plaza with stairs ramps and concrete walls and even a water fountain. The QUAD discourages unity as well as community because the students that attend GSU use the plaza for walking to class and from classes and not so much for educational enhancements.

According to Molin, a Georgia State researcher, also defined the QUAD is a discourage to the university  “In addition, there are no benches provided for students and the seating on the wall is liner and narrow. There is no space facing, discouraging face-to-face communication. Lastly, the walls reach high, requiring one to jump up onto them instead of easily resting. There is effort,an obstacle, in order to rest after  class. These factors seem almost insane as this campus is meant to encourage unity and community, but does not give these opportunities due to these barriers of communication.”


I also feel the same as Molin and Taylor my fellow Georgia State classmates/researchers the GSU quad is a beautiful diverse campus that has different sub groups and social areas.There are different sections that separate those who smoke and those who do not. There are individual people across the plaza that sits along on the side of the concrete wall on their laptops.








Other quads encourages unity and community in many was such as Clark Atlanta University is a HBCU and GSU is a university that has students that have different backgrounds and nationalities that attend GSU verses some students at Clark Atlanta University may just have different backgrounds but not nationality. Clark Atlanta courtyard is designed with a brick concrete ground and a wide open space no stairs no concrete walls nor do they have a water fountain in the middle of the courtyard.

The difference between GSU quad and Clark Atlanta University, Spelman University, and Morehouse university quad were not built in as much thought as GSU. The other university are HBCU so the student quad do not have to be section off or made with as many turns and different social section groups sections because HBCU colleges are with African American people with the same backgrounds and it is easier for them to  connect together without being in a smoking sections. The quad can change and affect of one behavior because of the built environment of how it is made. GSU quad has sections and social groups made in the quad based of its built designed with the smoke sections and the concrete walls that GSU students use to work on class assignments.





































































How does a built environment discourage behavior in the Gsu quad.? According to Taylor A Georgia State research student  also feels that the gsu quad discourages unity









reading quotes


“So the urban as a possible world is in part something in the future, an imagined society that is yet to come.”

This quote relates to how urban areas are disconnected from other communities and the author feels that it will never be a connection.

urban- in, relating to, or characteristic of a city or town.


reading quotes

“I will expand on the last two rights in a moment, but first let me say a bit more about how Lefebvre understands rights. For Lefebvre formal, legal rights are never God-given, nor are they natural rights that the framers of constitutions simply write down. Rather rights are always the outcome of political struggle. They are the manifestation, the end result of collective claims made by mobilized citizens. Because they result from struggle, they are always subject to further struggle, to renewed political agitation. This way of viewing rights means that for Lefebvre the point of proposing the new rights in the contract is prefigurative: they are political claims to possible rights that will require mobilization and struggle.”

Important words

Rights – A moral or legal entitlement to have or obtain something or to act in a certain way.

Legal Rights- Affect every citizen, whether or not the existence such rights is publicly known.

Natural Rights -Rights that people supposedly have under natural law. The Declaration of Independence of the United States lists life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as natural rights.

Manifestation- An event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something, especially a theory or an abstract idea

Collective claims-Relating to, or being a group of individuals b : involving all members of a group as distinct from its individuals

Struggle-make forceful or violent efforts to get free of restraint or constriction.

Rights are important because rights derived from struggle if it wasn’t for the struggle of Americans rights did not exist .For example slavery is a perfect example of how Americans struggle and rights where put into place for that particular incident.




Inductive reasoning activity 3.7

Inductive Reasoning- Inductive reasoning is a logical process in which multiple premises, all believed true or found true most of the time, are combined to obtain a specific conclusion. Inductive reasoning is often used in applications that involve prediction, forecasting, or behavior.


All of the girls in the class were blond, therefore all girls in this neighborhood are blond.




This experience has made me read between the lines and not just look at what a specific object means and what it stand for. I took the time to explain each area by using my five senses in my site from using my five senses and explaining the first thing that came to my mind. I use objective and  subjective to explain each item in my site at king memorial train station. Through this experience it was easy to write whatever came to my mind and edit your thoughts later.

M L King memorial FBED


As I sat at King Memorial train station I notice the red, yellow, blue, and white Marta sign that represent the Marta logo that was at the top of a big tall metal grey sign. King Memorial train station is not as huge train stations as the other ones in Atlanta such as H.E.Holmes.There are no buses that actually are designated for this train station most of the train stations in Atlanta Georgia do not have buses they are just a connection with other train stations. The outside building was made of concrete like material that felt rough as i scrapped the palm of my hand across it.The side parking lot was full filled with cars I notice the people who cars were park in that particular area where nurses from a hospital. As I walked up the little stairs of concrete, the ground turn into a red brick clay walk way that traveled through the train station. The pattern it created are octagons through out the entire train station.The grey titles that laid along the sides of the train before you reach the train floor, had a pattern of brown. There where lights that hung up high on a black metal pole throughout the train station just like street lights but it is for the inside of the train station.

About me

I am a senior in high school I take two classes at GSU, last fall was my first year completed. I attend Carver early college my school is all about getting into to college early earning college credits your junior year and graduating high school with at least 24 credits of college credits. when I graduate high school I plan to attend Kennesaw State university to major in criminal justices. I am a outgoing person I enjoy learning new things and meeting new people.