At first I didn’t realize how unorganized and broad my blog was. After the survey, I went all the way to my earlier posts in order to have a better idea about how to make it easier for my readers to find my work based on their needs. The first thing I found was ‘”Tapestry of Space: Domestic Architecture and Underground Communities in Margaret Morton’s Photography of a Forgotten New York” Reflection’. The first thing I decided to do was change the name to ‘Reading Summary 1 – “Tapestry of Space: Domestic Architecture and Underground Communities in Margaret Morton’s Photography of a Forgotten New York”’. After that I added more in depth tags to give a better idea as to what was in the response. For Example for “Tapestry of Space: Domestic Architecture and Underground Communities in Margaret Morton’s Photography of a Forgotten New York” the tags I used to have were as broad as “Reading Summary, and Tapestry of Space”. I then changed it to “Reading Summary, Tapestry of Space, Margaret Morton, Irina Nersessova, Architecture, Homeless, and Underground Communities.” I found these tags to be a lot more useful then the ones I had before, and hopefully easier to access if anyone want’s to find them.
Looking at my other blog entries I realized that mainly all of them had the same issues. Even though I put around two or three tags on my posts they still weren’t useful for anyone who could benefit from them. That’s why I decided to be more specific about all the tags in my post. I added the names of the authors as well as the locations if any and other specific related topics. I also went ahead and added an image or two if I could find any related to the post. I added the image to make it more enjoyable to read rather than just words on a screen. Another thing I realized was that I didn’t have any bibliographies in my earlier works. Therefore I wen’t back and added them for readers to get more information on the subject. Finally I went and made new titles for my posts so that they wouldn’t seem as just a generalized title but rather have meaning to the work. I hope my blog is now more accessible and easy to find. As well as enjoyable to read rather than irrelevant.
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