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25 Suggested Books to Donate

Below I will list 25 book suggestions for those who are unsure what to donate.

1- “The Glass Castle” by Jeanette Walls
2- “The Truth About Forever” by Sarah Dessen (most Sarah Dessen books are a great idea. She is a wonderful young adult novel author who writes books from a unique and female perspective). 
3- “The Ender’s Game Trilogy” by Orson Scott Card
4- “Never Fight Alone” by Shelomo Solson
5- “How to Love Yourself” by Lakeysha-Marie Green
6- “What Color is Your Parachute?” by Richard N. Bolles and Katharine Brooks EdH
7- “How to Answer Interview Questions” by Peggy McKee
8- “The Electricians Trade Demystified” by David Herres
9- “The Self Taught Programmer” by Cory Althoff
10- “30 Minute Drawing for Beginners” by Jordan DeWilde
11- “Anatomy for Strength and Fitness Training” by Mark Vella
12- “Restorative Yoga for Beginners” by Julia Clarke
13- “Science of Yoga” by Ann Swanson
14- “Life is Funny” by Seven Munson
15- ‘Interesting Stories for Curious People” by Bill O’Neill
16-“The Psychology Book” by DK
17- “The Philosophy Book” by DK
18- “Why Didn’t They Teach Me This in School?” by Cary Siegel
19- “Real Estate License Exams for Dummies” by John A. Yoegel
20- “The Martha Manual: (How to do ALMOST Everything)” by Martha Stewart
21- “The Science of Cooking” by Stuart Dr. Farrimond
22- “How to Read Literature Like a Professor” by Thomas C. Foster
23-  “The Shakespeare Book” by DK
24- “The Medicine Book” by DK
25- “The History Book” by DK

Research Source

My source of research was the Georgia Department of Corrections. I got the information that I needed in order to decide which books to donate directly from the website, as well as the address that I ended up donating the books I purchased to. 

My Donations

For my donation I chose 4 books that largely focus on overcoming obstacles handed to us by life. Some we are born with, some are choices we made due to circumstance- but either way we are capable of bettering ourselves and our lives. I chose these stories because they were extremely inspiring to me and they really put into perspective the fact that even in situations where I feel like everything is decided for me, I am the person who decides how and where I end up. I have had countless moments of being inspired by a character in a book and I truly feel that those moments should be had by others. I think these books have the power to be very influential in the lives of not only incarcerated youth, but everyone. 

Advice to Potential Participants

This process has been incredibly rewarding and has even inspired me to make time in my life for reading again. it is so easy to get caught up in our jobs and coursework that I think we forget how cool this field assignment is. My advice to potential participants would be to really think about the difference you are making and to enjoy the process. This really is one of the most truly impactful things I believe we will be able to do in our college careers and I definitely wish I would have appreciated the opportunity to so such an incredible thing more. 

Logistically speaking, definitely watch the video provided to you when you begin making your blog on how to use WordPress and all of the features it comes with. Being able to personalize your blog makes it feel really capable and it makes the entire thing seem much more cohesive and easy to complete. 

Lastly, donate books that you yourself would want to read. I live in Texas so I made the decision to purchase books on Amazon to have delivered to the center and I only decided on books that I either have already read, or that I now plan to read in the future. The books that I chose all involve overcoming obstacles and making lasting changes for the better but if I were to do this again I think I would also incorporate more of what is listen on the donation link site for more variety. 

My biggest word of advice is DO IT! You will never regret making a difference in someone’s life 🙂

How to Donate

To donate books to the Georgia Department of Corrections, please follow the link at the bottom and mail/deliver books to the address provided on the website. Listed below are the book categories that are more than welcome/needed in their library!

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
African American Literature & Studies (urban fiction, history, etc.) 
Books on How to Draw (portraits, landscapes, shading, coloring, etc.) 
Trade Books & How To Manuals (plumbing, woodwork, electrical repair, agriculture, etc.) 
Yoga & Fitness 
Psychology and Philosophy 
Business; personal finance 
Hobbies (drawing, crocheting, etc) 
Self-help (Sexual abuse, trauma, addiction, etc) 

Library Services | The Georgia Department of Corrections (

My Why

Like many, books growing up were my happiness. I’d stay up late, snuggled under my blanket with a small light just reading away until I fell asleep. Mom fondly remembers checking on me and seeing the glow of the light through my comforter. I should have been asleep, but she didn’t mind.  I’d wake up the next morning with my book on my bedside table, my reading lamp back in its place, and my glasses tucked safely in their case. I never knew how that happened, but now as an adult, it’s obvious that my mom would come into my room and put things back where they needed to be. I thought I was so sneaky.

Looking back, a lot of what I am today can be traced back to a book. I am studying to be an English teacher because when I read ‘The Outsiders’ in 7th grade, I would help kids in the courtyard after lunch with their reading assignments and I realized I loved it. I am passionate about cooking because I got a cookbook for my birthday when I was 15.  I am stronger after my youngest brother’s death because of a book called ‘Umbrella Summer’, where a girl my age loses a brother unexpectedly and has to re-learn how to enjoy her life in the absence of someone so special. 

Books are more than just words on paper, and that is my “Why”. A single story can be a way to escape, a way to indulge, a way to heal,  or a way to dream- all dependent on who is reading it. When I was reading through all of the options for a field assignment, choosing the blog/book drive for Incarcerated Children was not even a question. When one is incarcerated, the purpose is rehabilitation. I believe the best tool in helping a child make lasting changes for the better is written word. Being able to read about someone overcoming adversity or making life-changing self improvements has unending potential and every child and person deserves the chance to be empowered to better themselves.

Books are knowledge and knowledge is power.