Advice to Potential Participants

This process has been incredibly rewarding and has even inspired me to make time in my life for reading again. it is so easy to get caught up in our jobs and coursework that I think we forget how cool this field assignment is. My advice to potential participants would be to really think about the difference you are making and to enjoy the process. This really is one of the most truly impactful things I believe we will be able to do in our college careers and I definitely wish I would have appreciated the opportunity to so such an incredible thing more. 

Logistically speaking, definitely watch the video provided to you when you begin making your blog on how to use WordPress and all of the features it comes with. Being able to personalize your blog makes it feel really capable and it makes the entire thing seem much more cohesive and easy to complete. 

Lastly, donate books that you yourself would want to read. I live in Texas so I made the decision to purchase books on Amazon to have delivered to the center and I only decided on books that I either have already read, or that I now plan to read in the future. The books that I chose all involve overcoming obstacles and making lasting changes for the better but if I were to do this again I think I would also incorporate more of what is listen on the donation link site for more variety. 

My biggest word of advice is DO IT! You will never regret making a difference in someone’s life 🙂

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