My Goal

Through this blog, my goal is to motivate and empower. Personal growth is something that one has to do for themselves and I believe that when you are a part of a system that feels like it is against you, it is easy to lose sight of the hope and motivation that it is possible to improve. I want to inspire them to create long and short-term goals for themselves. If even one person develops a goal, a passion, or finds peace in something that has caused them distress because of an impact made on them by a good book, it will have been well worth it. 

I also want to remind these children that they are not hopeless. I am sure that being incarcerated before you even really experienced life is dehumanizing and can quickly make one feel like they are a lost cause. My hope is that by donating reading material, we are delivering hope and confidence. That when they read a book about someone in a seemingly inescapable situation finding a way to improve, they will realize that it is never impossible or too late to be better.