Should you use a non-traditional resume?

I believe that while traditional resumes are still very important, more companies are starting to consider more nontraditional forms as well, especially those such as social media.  However, the issue I find most prevalent in nontraditional forms of resumes is that people tend to forget that even though the method may not be similar to that of their fellow applicants, there is no need to deprofessionalize it (if that’s really a word).

Keep your social media and any other pages that might be open to the public free of photos you would have hesitations about employers viewing, and monitor your friends’ posts on your wall carefully. The worst thing that you could do is to give mixed signals to your employers by providing a clean and polished resume and appearance at the interview, but having photos posted on your social media pages of you partying with alcohol and something that you can’t quite pass off as a cigarette.

Furthermore, if you plan on creating something such as a video resume or a graphic, make sure that it remains classy and business-like.  Don’t get carried away with neon colors or a cluttered layout. Graphic resumes can be a fantastic way of helping you stand out in the crowd but keep them sleek and clean.

For example, an infographic that uses a visual timeline of your employment history instead of merely a list of dates might better illustrate your experience in relation to how long you have been in the work field.

Use your LinkedIn profile- this is the place to expand your resume into something a little more robust or add on projects and accomplishments your resume may not have room for.  The projects portion of LinkedIn allows you to link certain websites or files that provide samples of your skills for future employers to view when glancing over profiles; this gives them an idea of what to expect, and sets you apart from other applicant who have not used this function.

Video resumes are very nifty, but apart from ensuring it remains professional, also keep in mind that because it is very short, it will most likely be supplemented by some form of traditional resume.  Be careful not to overload video resumes with extraneous details, a basic timeline with your contact information and goals should be sufficient. Your linked-in or paper resume will fill in the details for the major points.

Works Cited

“The Anti-Resume: Is Non-traditional the New Answer?” |Vault Blogs| Web. 13 Sept. 2014.

“Does a Non-Traditional Resume Limit Your Odds? [INFOGRAPHIC].” Mashable. Web. 13 Sept. 2014.

“Examples of the Different Types of Nontraditional Resumes.” About. Careers. Web. 13 Sept. 2014.

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