“Atlanta Local Food Initiative.” Atlanta Local Food. Atlanta Local Food Initiative, 2013. Web. 27 Mar. 2016. <http://www.atlantalocalfood.org>.
This website, created by the Atlanta Local Food Initiative, gives information about what they do to impact their community. ALFI is a “diverse coalition of stakeholders working to build a more sustainable food system for metro Atlanta” (Atlanta Local Food Initiative). Coalition meetings are held every other month, and those involved in the ALFI like communities within Atlanta, nonprofits, universities, government agencies, individuals and corporations participate in these meetings. They have organized public speaking events to raise awareness for the challenges of food systems in Atlanta and all over the world. This particular event was the Food System Summit in 2012 at the Atlanta Botanical Garden. The following image is one that they used during the event.

“Atlanta Local Food Initiative.” Atlanta Local Food. Atlanta Local Food Initiative, 2013. Web. 27 Mar. 2016. <http://www.atlantalocalfood.org>.
The website can be a tool for me to explore how ALFI’s methods of getting involved are making an impact on the communities that they touch. I will analyze the methods of public speaking, the competitions they are involved in with the amount of local food grown, and their other methods of spreading this local food movement.