Welcome to the Army

   In class we learned that culture is more than just your race, but also any institution or group that you are apart of. The picture is a class picture of the basic training camp that I went to and my first step within the Army culture. The Army from the time I stepped off the bus to the time I left basic training begin to install their core Army values such as Integrity, duty, honor, Respect, Selfless Service and Personal Courage upon me. Not only did they teach us the values of being a soldier, but also through the tough situations and conditions that we had to go through those same values where reinforced.  Undoubtedly the army is a collective culture, where that trying to be an individual is highly frowned upon. The collective culture of the army begins with we unity and the accountability of each other . For example  if one person gets in trouble for not being in the right uniform than we all get in trouble.  In a sense creating a system where we look out for each other. In the end I am happy to have been able to join the Army culture as its one of many things I am proud of.