Partnering with researchers at Georgia State University, Project Arrive uses data collected from mentors and mentees to measure several program outcomes including student well-being and academic success, underlying mechanisms of change, and mentor experiences. The research highlights contain valuable information about the extent to which Project Arrive fosters resilience in participants and the possible ways in which these changes occur.

You can use this information to help better understand group mentoring overall and develop an effective group mentoring program. Learn more about group mentoring best practices.


The Model for Change:

Previous research shows that Project Arrive is improving the lives of young people (see previous highlights). Our model proposes that Project Arrive increases participants’ resilience through relationships with individuals within the mentoring group and the group as a whole. Click on the research highlights below for more details.

Model Overview (Fall 2016)
Internal Resilience Assets (Fall 2016)
External Resilience Assets (Fall 2016)
Group Processes (Summer 2017)

Academic Outcomes:

Project Arrive appears to be improving  several academic factors including attendance, grades, and school engagement. See the research highlights below for more details.

Academic Outcomes (Fall 2016)
Student Connectedness (Spring 2015)

Other Research Highlights:

For information on other Project Arrive research investigations, see the highlights below:

Mentor Perspectives (Summer 2015)
Substance Use (Fall 2014)


Learn more about the research team here.

Find more research on mentoring here.