More on Mentoring
Follow these links to find out more information on mentoring:
The National Mentoring Resource Center
The National Mentoring Resource Center serves as a comprehensive and reliable resource for mentoring tools, program and training materials, and information. In addition to accessing online resources, mentoring programs can apply for no-cost training and technical assistance to support them in more deeply incorporating evidence-based practices, ultimately leading to greater positive outcomes for youth.
Find Dr. Gabriel Kuperminc’s review on group mentoring here. Vida Sanford also has a published post on group formation here.
This site also includes useful webinars on everything from engagement and recruitment to developing logic models.
The Chronicle of Evidence-based Mentoring
The Chronicle is an online source for sharing new findings and ideas about youth mentoring. The goal of the Chronicle is to encourage active dialogue around evidence-based practice in youth mentoring in ways that improve the practice of youth mentoring.
The National Mentoring Partnership (MENTOR)
MENTOR’S vision is that every young person has the supportive relationships they need to grow and develop into thriving, productive and engaged adults. MENTOR’s mission is to fuel the quality and quantity of mentoring relationships for America’s young people and to close the mentoring gap for the one in three young people growing up without this critical support.
Canadian Women’s Foundation- Girls Group Mentoring
The Foundation’s Girls’ Fund supports 21 organizations that are doing group mentoring, and evaluations have shown incredible results. Group mentoring not only connects girls with an older role model but also with three or four peers.
Visit’s Growth Mindset Toolkit page for a set of great activities and discussion topics to use during group.