Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction. ”

John C. Crosby

Who Is A Good Mentor?

1.  Someone Available
Can you commit to facilitating a group of 8-10 students weekly throughout the school year with a co-mentor?

2.  Someone Dependable and Naturally Curious
Can you be both physically present and emotionally dependable? Are you excited and interested in the youth and their wellbeing over a period of time?

3.  Someone Invested in Helping Youth to Grow
Are you patient and understanding of time needed to develop group mentoring relationships? There are no magical quick results.

Take the Self-Assessment Now!

Print and Complete: Mentor Application


Complete Mentor Application Online


More Group Mentor Resources:
Mentor Eligibility and Guidelines
Getting Started
Group Mentoring Best Practices
Mentoring Works! SFUSD-GSU Research on Mentoring
More On Mentoring  External Information on Mentoring

If you have more questions, please contact:
Wesley West,
School Health Programs (SFCSD), 1515 Quintara Street.