March Blog post #3

                     In response to reading pages 80-170 of March, I was able to get a much more broad insight as to the specifics and the personal level of events that went on during the civil rights movement. The reading mainly had to do with the disenfranchisement of African Americans, and showcased what exactly was being done in the fight for their voting rights. John Lewis himself makes an appearance in one of the panels of the pages, and is recognized by an opposing white man during the movement for voting rights, highlighting him as a firsthand source of the events that took place around him (ethos). 

         While African a Americans were going missing and bodies were being found in remote areas, it threw the black community and the organizers of the civil rights movement into a sense of panic and despair, as the (Mostly white) policemen did not care about the missing persons, but instead questioned them about their involvement in random suspicious activity. Police calls due to bottle throwing and violence against blacks in their own neighborhoods were going unanswered, in the heat of the tensions that faced the civil rights movement in the fight against disenfranchisement over the summer.

      Later on In the reading, I was enlightened to get to know more about the inner workings of the SNCC, and the efforts by them to not only eliminate tighter racial tensions in the south, but their efforts abroad in South Africa and other countries as well, much to the dismay of the racial southerners. This shows that the interests of the members of the SNCC were not only confined to their problems, but were generally altruistic in opposition to the discrimination that they faced in their time. At another point came desperation, as the SNCC was going bankrupt and losing money after organizing a number of events, in some of which Dr. King himself was involved.

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