Piedmont Dining Hall’s Interior

The dining hall at Piedmont North is a really good place to eat and to meet new friends. Most people have a meal plan so that they could take however much food they need and also take advantage of the other services they provide there. The dining hall has a variety of food from fruits and vegetables to hot dogs and hamburgers. Different sections like the breakfast, dessert and drinks sections are included in the dining hall. They even make omelettes and other dishes individually for people to eat. Sometimes the dining hall can be a little busy and congested with people as lines form in the dining hall for peoples food to be cooked separately and according to their preference. My favorite part that they serve in the dining hall are fruit smoothies,and cereals. Fruit smoothies are made from scratch in a combination that students prefer. more than 5 type of cereals are found in the dining hall. People who are lactose intolerant, like me, are given with other alternatives like soy milk,almond milk or lactose-free milk. They have small tables where four people come and eat together. It basically looks like a decent restaurant. They also have seats near the glass window for people who enjoy watching the landscape near the dorm as they eat. As you can see in a picture, a TV is provided for the students entertainment as they enjoy their meal. The dining faculty are open to the students opinion and what they think should be included in their meals. They occasionally have times where they serve food that correlates with the holiday. Sometimes music is played in the dining hall and it turns people on. Dancing is something you will find happening every now and then.

Ice Cream

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