Biological Assays

Full service processing of your samples is available for the following assays:

 Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA or EIA) and Protein (Bradford and DC/RC Lowery) Assays.  The type of assay you choose is dependent on many factors including the cost, how much volume, collection methods and type of sample collected to answer your research question.

Cost is comprised of the following factors:

  • Number of samples, sample preparation, analysis and supplies.
  • All assays are performed with their own standard curve and controls for reliability and precision.
  • Determinations are performed on a “sample charge” basis in which only the cost of the assay of your samples are charged.
  • If a new assay must be validated, the investigator will pay the reagent and technical costs
  • If samples need to be re-run due to low or high concentrations not detected on curve will incur additional charge
  • Reagents and basic supply costs are charged based on number of sample.
  • Reagents cost are based on an optimal estimate of kit usage. All commercial kits are designed to run a specific number of samples. For an accurate quote on cost per sample for your study please contact
  •  Shipping costs for reagents and kits usually range between $50-$200 per order depending on the number of shipments, kits and the type of reagents (e.g. radioactivity) shipped.


Enzyme – Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)

The core uses commercial ELISA and EIA kits using serum, plasma, saliva (human assays), cerebral spinal fluid and brain tissue homogenates.  Some assays have been validated for multiple species.

Listed below are an example of the assays performed in the core.    Contact us if you do not see one to match your interest.  

  • Cortisol – Human saliva & Hair 
  • Alpha Amylase – Human saliva
  • DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) – Human saliva
  • Testosterone – Human saliva
  • Estrodial – Human saliva 
  • BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotrophin Factor)
  • Alanine Transaminase Assay (ALT)
  • Insulin
  • Tissue Glycogen

Protein Assays: Bradford and Lowry is the determination of concentration of total concentration of protein in a solution such as plasma, serum, tissue extracts etc.  These assays are often run in conjunction with RIA’s or ELISA’s when tissue extracts are analyzed.  Bio-Rad kits are used to perform these assays with pre-mixed standards and reagents ensuring consistent results saving time and money.