
The Neuroscience Core Facility’s rooms are all commissioned for Radioisotope work with an approved Radiation Protocol for an inventory of up to 3mCi per I125, 1mCi per S35, 0.1mCi C14, 2mCi P32, 5mCi P33, 1mCi per H3 storage.   The Core can also order isotopes and such kits for investigators who do not have commissioned labs for Isotope work or limited space in their labs.

The mission of the Core is:

To provide accurate and timely analysis of assay samples.

To provide supervision of commonly used analytical procedures.

To provide maintenance for equipment used by multiple investigators in different projects in the institute as well as other departments and to train new personnel in the proper use of equipment.

To provide expertise and equipment to develop new assays/techniques and improve existing assays/techniques.

To provide uniform methods for collection, storage and analysis of various biological samples.

To provide hardware and software for computerized collection and retrieval of data from radiation counters.

To reduce the expenditure of research funds by bulk purchasing of supplies at discount prices and by allowing equipment, instruments and facilities to serve multiple investigators.

To provide assistance ensuring compliance with state and federal regulations for radiation safety, good laboratory procedure and hazardous chemicals. The core supervisor serves on the NI Facilities and Research Committee conducting inspections of the Neuroscience labs to maintain compliance for EPA, OSHA and Radiation safety regulations.

To provide bench space for sterile and radiation techniques as well as fume hoods and cold storage freezers and refrigerators for multiple investigators.

The Neuroscience Core Facility’s rooms are all commissioned for Radioisotope work with an approved Radiation Protocol for an inventory of up to 3mCi per I125, 1mCi per S35, 0.1mCi C14, 2mCi P32, 5mCi P33, 1mCi per H3 storage.