College football hall of fame description of architectural build sept. 13th.

The college football hall of fame is located on 250 Marietta st NW Atlanta Georgia. The building is adjacent to the Philips arena where the Atlanta hawks play and also across the street from the world of coke.. Theirs a heavy traffic flow on the road any time of the day especially rush hour traffic. From the front the college football hall of fame building has a long entrance with a long horizontal silhouette of football players and football field numbers. The brown piece  of the building is built to resemble a leather football helmet from the beginning days of football. The staff welcomes you in at the door. Regardless if you have knowledge or not of the game they are here to make your experience go smooth as possible. The college football hall of fame was not always in Georgia. In 1951 the first college football hall of fame was built in south ben Indiana .

Once inside the college football hall of fame there is a wall with 700  + helmets on the wall to represent every college team in America!

image4. In august 2014 This building of the college football hall of fame was built in Atlanta. Its main intent was to put a spot light on the greats of the game, and reward them for there accomplishments.Their is a loud atmosphere walking into the college football hall of fame, So many people walking on the street and heavy traffic going into the building. A lot of families come here to enjoy a day of festivities. The open space around the building lets me capture great photos and ( feel less creepy).image1


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