Life On Land

Conserve and Restore Terrestrial ecosystems


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Pollution is the second threat to life on land. Pollution is harmful materials that make it’s way to the environment. These materials are called pollutant and can make their ways into our water, air, and land. Pollutants can be natural like volcanic ash or natural like trash left by humans. Runoffs are natural pollutants created by humans, which contaminate our natural water sources.

It’s ironic that many things that people use in everyday life create pollutants. For example cars have exhaust pipes that release pollutants into the air. The coal we burn for electricity also pollutes the air we breathe. Even the garbage and sewage we humans produces make their ways to our water sources and lands. 

It’s important to understand that every living microbe from single celled organisms to giant elephants need our land, water, and air to survive. However, when these natural ecosystems are contaminated, then life on this earth is threatened dangerously. 

Pollution affects us all and is a global problem. This is because pollution doesn’t just stay in a single place. Pesticides from agriculture were found in antarctic ice sheets. Pollutions created by factories can be carried by winds all around the world. Also oceans can carry plastic and trash through ocean currents. 

To summarize, pollution comes in different forms like air pollution, water pollution, and land pollution which are threatening our life on land.  

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