Life On Land

Conserve and Restore Terrestrial ecosystems

March 6, 2019
by kpedroza

Deforestation Current Solutions

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There are many Solutions for Deforestation and here are a few notable mentions. 

Collaberation: As easy as this sounds it’s actually very difficult to get many people and countries on the same page. Collaboration helps set in place sustainable forestry practice which in turn decreases the amount of deforestation that occurs. For example, forest plantains help grow the trees that are going to be uses for wood and paper without harvesting from Virgin Forest.

Corporations: Since corporations have the power to increase deforestation they also have the power to decrease it. Corporations can introduce policies which clean up their chains through “zero-deforestation” products. Which also includes holding their suppliers accountable for producing timber, soy, and paper in a non-deforestation inducing way! 

We as a community could also form organization which expose corporations that do not care or try to solve the deforestation crisis. 

Protect Indigenous communities: For thousands of years forest have also been home to indigenous people and they have been conserving these forest for those years. However, in a lot of cases government and corporations do not respect their land and use it to steal products and resources. This also damages the forest through deforestation. 

Promoting Sustainability:This means to eat only sustainable food and to use recyclable or sustainable wood products. Also using your voice to protect the forests is a good option. This is because when we form organizations the corporations have to listen.

Changing our Policies: The government needs to do their part as well. This means the government should enforce forest conservations laws and are against corruption. This is because corruption creates unsustainable forest management, organized crime, and induces armed conflicts. 

For example the US has laws like the Endangered Species Act, The wilderness act, The Lacey Act, and The roadless rule which help protect the forests in our country. They also prevent illegal wood products from entering out marketplace in the US. 


“Solutions to Deforestation.” Greenpeace International,

March 5, 2019
by kpedroza

Deforestation and Extinction: The Link

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31% of land on our planet is covered by forests, and most of endangered wildlife live in these Forests. Deforestation also comes in many forms including; forests fires, cutting for agriculture, and cattle ranching. About 18.7 million of acres of forests are lost due to deforestation. 

Forests are very important to the ecosystem because they help regulate the climate. These forests act as a carbon sink which means they absorb a lot of carbon dioxide. It is estimated that 15% of green house gasses comes from deforestation. 

Regarding animal extinction, rain forests hold the most diverse forms of bio life and these organisms are at risk of extinction because their home is being destroyed. For example we have lost about 17%  of the Amazon Rainforest due to clearings for cattle ranching and agriculture. 


“Deforestation.” WWF, World Wildlife Fund,



February 10, 2019
by kpedroza

The Main Reason Fossil Fuels damage the Enviroment

Burning Fossil fuels release More CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) in the atmosphere which makes it hard for oxygen breathing organisms to breathe easily. Also Burning Fossil Fuels releases Nitrogen Oxide which causes smog to accumulate in the air. Fossil Fuels contribute to green house gasses in the ozone layer which causes climate change. Climate change then leads to The warming of the earths surface which endangers animals and other life on land that are not used to warmer weather. 


“Why Are Fossil Fuels Bad for the Environment?” Reference, IAC Publishing,

February 10, 2019
by kpedroza

Acid rain is harming living organism discussion

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Acid Rain is an aftermath when water molecules mixes with fossil fuels. When it rains the acidic droplets then damage trees, fish in lakes and ponds, and make the soil contaminated. The vegetation find it harder and harder to grow. Please look at the example of the plant unable to grow larger after acid rain affected it. Acid Rain also damages the leaves of trees and plants.  


“Acid Rain.” Ice-Albedo Feedback: How Melting Ice Causes More Ice to Melt – Windows to the Universe,

February 10, 2019
by kpedroza

Why is deforestation happening?

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Deforestation is currently happening because people need space for housing and urbanization. It is also happening because us as humans use timber for materials such as paper, furniture, and house structures. But the majority of Forrests being torn down is because people use the space to raise cattle for consumerism.


According to FAO half of the worlds forests have been cut down

-Every Year the earth has lost 18.7 million acres of forests

-There is strong supporting facts that 15% of green house emissions come from the tools used to cut down forests. according to WWF  


Bradford, Alina. “Deforestation: Facts, Causes & Effects.” LiveScience, Purch, 3 Apr. 2018,

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