Life On Land

Conserve and Restore Terrestrial ecosystems

Deforestation and Extinction: The Link


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31% of land on our planet is covered by forests, and most of endangered wildlife live in these Forests. Deforestation also comes in many forms including; forests fires, cutting for agriculture, and cattle ranching. About 18.7 million of acres of forests are lost due to deforestation. 

Forests are very important to the ecosystem because they help regulate the climate. These forests act as a carbon sink which means they absorb a lot of carbon dioxide. It is estimated that 15% of green house gasses comes from deforestation. 

Regarding animal extinction, rain forests hold the most diverse forms of bio life and these organisms are at risk of extinction because their home is being destroyed. For example we have lost about 17%  of the Amazon Rainforest due to clearings for cattle ranching and agriculture. 


“Deforestation.” WWF, World Wildlife Fund,



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