March 8, 2019
by kpedroza
March 8, 2019
by kpedroza
Although it may seem more simple than it is, my solution to combat deforestation is the complete opposite; REFORESTATION. Supposedly there are many regulations for industries when they want to cut down trees for resources and they are obligated to plant trees in the spot where they cleared land. However, corporations are not held accountable with these regulations as they only plant a few trees and leave. I believe the government should set stricter laws to hold corporations accountable when complete care is not put into taking care of forests.
Having laws that are actually followed could mean the difference between ecosystems being destroyed or the same ecosystems thriving. The Cost will not be that high because there are many community service programs which are working hard right now to preserve our forests.
Trees take a long time to grow to their mature state, and can outlive humans, so why are there not stricter reforestation laws.
Johnston Ridge Observatory | US Forest Service,
March 8, 2019
by kpedroza
Water and Air as Energy: Is it a Myth?
My solution for Fossil Fuel energy sounds like science fiction but it is more possible then you might think. Energy from Water can be achieved if you separate hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms, which produce energy that can fuel cars. Toyota is currently designing a car which will only exhaust water out of the pipe. This solution could be ingenious because it would change history forever. A car that runs on water and air could decrease greenhouse emissions by a land slide, further conserve ecosystems, decrease acid rain, and pollution to the air.
Although this is very costly, it would in turn save the planet in a major way. The starting cost of the Toyota Mirai is $84, 637.15.
Guy Walters for the Daily Mail. “Toyota Mirai: The Car That Runs on FRESH AIR and Only Water Comes out Exhaust.” Daily Mail Online, Associated Newspapers, 9 May 2015,
March 8, 2019
by kpedroza
Stainless Steel Straws
My first Solution to preventing pollution from plastic is enforcing the use of reusable metal straws. There are currently about 5 trillion pieces of plastic currently littering the oceans according to Ocean Clean Up. I believe that if everyone began using environmentally friendly reusable straws it would decrease the pollution everywhere and also increase the lives of wildlife and their habitats.
A quick search online can show that most family sets of metal straws are less than $20 dollars (Click Here for where to buy if interested). This is cost effective as you are only paying a one time fee for reusable items.
Metal straws are also very easy to clean and are BPA free. BPA or Bisphenol A is a chemical produces in plastic that can leak into your plastic products.
Although metal straws are an alternative for drinking, they do come with a few risks. For example injury when not used properly. I also advise using biodegradable straws for small children to keep them more safe.
As you can see, Using Metal straws is a cost effective way to keep the environment cleaner and also helps protect organisms rom plastic pollution in our oceans and land
Admin. “Are Stainless Steel Drinking Straws Safe?” The Lost Straw,
March 7, 2019
by kpedroza
How to solve the Problem with Fossil Fuels
How can businesses help?
- These businesses can help manage their emissions on green house gasses and set goals for the future to limit their use of greenhouse gasses.
- Businesses can improve on increasing energy efficiency by setting management programs that help manage the energy they use.
- They can use renewable energy which can reduce their carbon footprint and better the environment and air quality tremendously.
How can you as an individual help?
- You can conserve energy by using less light, buying equipment that uses less energy, limit the use of air condoning, and installing a programmable thermostat.
- To minimize air pollution from the fossil fuels emitted by you car, you should minimize the miles you drive on your car or truck. Safer alternatives are riding a bicycle, taking the bus, or a train.
“The Sources and Solutions: Fossil Fuels.” EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, 4 Feb. 2019,
March 7, 2019
by kpedroza
Fossil Fuels and the Real Dangers
Oil is the leading energy source for transportation. It is estimated that the U.S. alone consumes about 19.88 million barrels per day as noted in 2017. Although, Oil is refined to gasoline, fuel oil, and petroleum gas it is very detrimental to the earth’s environment. Oil extraction causes environmental degradation and oil combustion can cause respiratory complications.
The coal industry is mainly used for the production of electricity around the world. In the U.S. we produce about 11% of all the world’s Coal. The combustion of coal is very dangerous as it produces pollutants that induces Acid Rain. Also, Acid Rain is highly destructive to vegetation and top soil (top soil helps with the production of agriculture and food for wildlife). Acid Rain can contain chemicals such as sulfur dioxide, Nitrogen oxide, and Mercury; these chemicals are highly toxic to the environment.
Not only is acid rain caused by pollutants from the combustion of coal but mining of coal is detrimental to the environment and ecosystems. Rivers and bodies of water can be contaminated or destroyed by the waste in mines. It is also estimated that 32% of green house gasses in the U.S. are created by the combustion of Coal.
Natural Gas
Natural Gas is mainly responsible for producing electricity and heat for buildings and offices. As of 2015 the U.S alone produces about 17.6% of the world’s natural gas and consumes about 21.6% of it. The reason natural gas is potentionaly harmful is that it is composed of methane; and methane is 20x more potent than carbon dioxide as a Greenhouse gas.
Natural Gas is one of the cleaner fossil fuels however, the transportation and extraction of this gas can potentially disrupt ecosystems and pollute the oceans as well. That is why we must work as a community to find even better ways to use resources to produce energy.
Piccirilli Dorsey, Inc. “Fossil Fuels.” EESI – Environmental and Energy Study Institute,
March 7, 2019
by kpedroza
Solutions for Pollution!
How do we solve air pollution?
- Conserve Energy
- Carpool
- Keep Vechles properly tuned
- Use enviromently safe paints for outdoor activities
- Compost leaves instead of burning
“Actions You Can Take to Reduce Air Pollution | Ground-Level Ozone | New England | US EPA.” EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, 27 Sept. 2018,
How do we Solve Water Pollution?
- Abstain from throwing away contaminated liquids down the drain
- Try and use other detergents besides bleach
- Reduce the use of herbicides and pesticides
- Make sure you home has proper sewage system
- Please do not dump trash in water systems
- Plant Trees
- Support Green oriented companies
- De-clog drains naturally
- Use recycle materials
- Do NOT use a lot of plastic
“25 Amazing Ways to Prevent Water Pollution.” Earth Eclipse, 7 May 2016,
How do we Solve Land Pollution?
- Reducing chemical Fertilizers and pesticides
- Instead of creating deforestation we should plant more trees
- Degrading solid waste so it doesn’t contaminate the land fills
- Recovering waste materials and recycling
Stephen, Mike. “How to Prevent Land Pollution.”, Sciencing, 2 Mar. 2019,
March 7, 2019
by kpedroza
Why is Land Pollution Harmful?
Land Pollution is another type of pollutions which harms the soil, climate, endangers wildlife, and has an environmental impact.
- Soil Pollution is caused by overuse in fertilizer. This creates the problem where the soil becomes eroded and results in the soil to become less fertile.
- Land Pollution directly and indirectly affects the climate pattern
- Land Pollution causes the destruction of wild life. This in turn forces the animals in the kingdom to adapt to new environments or die trying.
- Deforestation leads to irregular rain cycles. These rain cycles affect the environment in many ways including green cover, droughts, and flash floods.
“Effects of Land Pollution.” Land Remediation Expo,
March 7, 2019
by kpedroza
Air Pollution and Consequences
Air Pollution is caused by particles that mixes with the wind. Car emission, Chemicals from factories, dust, and pollen are all considered air pollutants. Breathing these pollutants is especially harmful to infants and older people. Many lung diseases are caused by air pollution.
The reason air pollution is harmful to organism that breathe air is that it can poison them if the air is polluted with toxic materials.
“Air Pollution.” MedlinePlus, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 28 Dec. 2018,
March 6, 2019
by kpedroza
How does Water Pollutants Affect Life on Land?
Water is the source of life for almost every animal. Every living organism needs water to survive however, when water is polluted with sewage and trash it becomes contaminated. The water then becomes undrinkable by an organism.
For example polluted water pours down the Mississippi River down to the Gulf of Mexico contaminating about 8,000 mile dead zones.
Eutrophication and Dead Zones: Dead zones occur when contaminated water from sewage and chemical runoffs from farms make their way to larger bodies of water like the Gulf of Mexico. The Chemicals from farms are fertilizers which should encourage the growth of plants but they also grow algae called Eutrophication. When the aquatic plants die from the contaminated water, they decompose which use up oxygen. Crustacean animals no longer have oxygen to live in these zones. That is why these places are called dead zones because slowly organism die due contaminated ecosystems.
Algae: The growth of some algae from thriving in these toxic environment also release toxic chemicals which affect the fish, turtles, and dolphins in this ecosystem. It’s dangerous to these aquatic animals because they become poise and the algal toxin can lead to the animals dying. Water Pollutants are very harmful to aquatic life.
Drinking Water: Water becomes contaminated from human and animal waste, mining, fertilizers and pesticides, and industrial waste. It’s very important to protect our drinkable water because we only have 3% left, and only less than 1% is not frozen in ice caps. This means that all living organisms must share less than 1% of the water.
Risk: The health risk to humans can be gastrointestinal disease which can be fatal when we drink contaminated water.
Walls-Thumma, Dawn. “How Can Water Pollution Affect Animals, Homes and Health?” Home Guides | SF Gate, 27 Dec. 2018,