SIF Experience

             Can’t believe it has already been a semester since I’ve been a SIF. The time went by so fast. Well this experience just keeps getting better. I learn so much from working at the CURVE space and working on the SIF projects. The particular project I’m working on, SIF Outreach, allows me to really put my majors to use, something that I wasn’t able to do as much with my past jobs with GSU. I’m looking forward to continuing my journey as a SIF and see where it takes me. Even considering to try to get into another SIF project if possible and if my Spring schedule allows me to do so that is. I worked with the Marketing department prior to being a SIF, and when I received the offer, I had to choose between one. I was upset I have both job, but couldn’t have been more glad that I made the switch. It was probably one of the best decisions I’ve made especially since I can apply my major more as a SIF than being a Marketing University Assistant.

Til next time,



          As mentioned in my prior posts, I am working on the SIF Outreach Project to try to promote the technology spaces found on the GSU campus. We are at the moment working on promoting the CURVE space as it is one of our newest additions. Babacar is in charge of filming for this project. After much research and talks with Joe, Thomas and I have found the most prominent software programs found at CURVE and ways to how they can be promoted on the InteractWall, 4K, and the different workstations. We plan to start filming some time next week. I’m really excited to see this project on its wheels, and can’t wait to see the final product and come up with ways to market it to the GSU students and faculty.

Til next time,



          While working with the SIF Outreach Project and collaborating with Thomas, we drew conclusions on how the GSU map could use some work, both on the website and on the GSU app for cell phones and tablets. The map is very broad and doesn’t help too much in guiding us to where we need to be. Not even that, it could use an upgrade and perhaps additional information. The GSU map should be more interactive and help guide those using it to their intended destination based upon their current location. There should be a GPS tracker to track the location. Not only that, but there should be pinpoints of all the locations, and when one clicks on the pinpoint, it can direct them to the location, street view, give an address, phone number, pictures of the space, hours of operation, and even a video of certain spaces like the technology facilities. It could even let you reserve equipment or spaces from the map or redirect to where you can do so. I feel if we have these advances added to the GSU map, it could really help all the newcomers and future GSU students and faculty.

Til next time,


GSU Technology Spaces

          Georgia State University is one of those schools that has a wide range of majors and due to this, there are many facilities on campus for this. One problem with this is that not many students or faculty are aware of all the spaces especially technology spaces that are available to them. I’ll even admit that it wasn’t until I became a SIF, did I know about the CURVE or the Exchange. I knew about the Digital Aquarium, but only because I needed to rent an iPad for the semester for my Honors Mapping Seminar. Had it not been because of class, I wouldn’t have even known about the Digital Aquarium. This is problematic as these spaces may not be used to its full ability because not too many people know about them. There are a handful more spaces like these, but it could take me a while to go through them all. So how can more people know about these spaces? Making videos of them, adding them to a map, having a space on the school website for the whereabouts and information on these spaces? This is where the SIF Outreach Project comes in. We are trying to build the bridge between these spaces and the GSU students and faculty. Our current project is working on promoting the CURVE. Follow up on my next posts for more information.

Til next time,


SIF Outreach Project

                 After meeting with my group this past Thursday, we came up with some ideas to help more students and faculty become more aware of the different kinds of technology platforms available to them here at GSU. One idea was creating an app or adding to the current GSU app for that matter, in which we can have plot point of the different technology locations available to us on campus. When the plot point is clicked, it would show the location, address, pictures of the space, a telephone number to contact the space and person in charge, and possibly a short video showing the usage of the space as a whole. As today’s world is swallowed into technology, having this app will be quite helpful especially on the go. Mentioned above was the idea of having videos of each space and we discussed the time frame per video and where it can be shown, in places like the Recreation center or Langdale, basically any place on campus with a TV. Also, we can put up flyer in individual classrooms, the library, the Recreation Center, Student Center, and other heavy populated places on campus to direct the students and faculty to the specific platforms to be able to watch these promotional videos for these places. The SIF Outreach Project is looking to aim to target one space at a time and the first one on our list is the Digital Aquarium in the Student Center, so we shall see how things go!

Til next time,


Uncovering the best video software

                 Being a marketing major, I slowly started to gain an eye as to how to promote a certain product or service. I’m really excited to work on the SIF Outreach Project as it is a way to put my major to work. I want to see which is the best video software out there as a means to help more people know about CURVE. The idea is to have some sort of a video that will show pictures of the CURVE space with footage of all the cool things you can do in the space and explaining the features of the different kinds of technology with some sort of music or audio underlying it. I found out today while working at CURVE that this could be done in a software as simple as Microsoft PowerPoint, and then if needed it can be converted into a video file. Hopefully we can put this idea into play as it would be a great way to show and explain to students and faculty about the usage of CURVE. We could possibly post this on the GSU website or have a screening of it in Library North if possible as that is where most of the students and faculty visit when they come to the library. Looking forward to possibly turn this idea into reality and help students and faculty understand more about the cool new addition to our library called the CURVE.

Til next time,


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